Somebody Explain This Headline To Me...

I don't know this for sure, but I think murder may be a subset of violent crime. Violent crime as a whole may go down, while at the same time the number of murders increase. A reduction in other violent crimes may more than make up for the increase in murders.
So, uhh, murder isn't a violent crime anymore? Hmmm

Violent crime fell overall in the U.S., but murder went up in the Northeast.:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Violent crime in the United States dropped sharply in 2010 for the fourth straight year, but the murder rate in the Northeast soared, led by more homicides in Boston and New York, the FBI said on Monday.
Bucking the trend where crime rose when the economy soured, violent crime such as murder, rape and aggravated assault dropped 6 percent last year while unemployment remained stubbornly high. Property crime fell 2.7 percent from 2009, according to final statistics collected by the FBI from law enforcement agencies nationwide.
At the same time, the number of murders jumped substantially in major cities in the Northeast, including Boston, New York and New Jersey's largest city Newark, which all experienced double-digit increases, the statistics showed.
Local, specific crime vs national, generalizes. An extra 70 murders in Boston this year is a pale figure against 80,000 less combined murders, intentional manslaughters, rapes, robberies, and aggrivated assaults across the nation.
So murder isn't a violent crime then?

"Confusing unless you read the thread responses, I guess."

No but seriously, "Stock trades across the board took a nosedive today, while the price of GM went up 53%!" does not mean GM is not a valid stock. It just means it didn't match the general trend. Same idea here.
"Confusing unless you read the thread responses, I guess."

No but seriously, "Stock trades across the board took a nosedive today, while the price of GM went up 53%!" does not mean GM is not a valid stock. It just means it didn't match the general trend. Same idea here.
So basically murder isn't along the general trend of violent crime then?
Which leads me to my next the smilies page not functioning for anyone else? Everytime I try to access it, the individual window slows down to impracticability.
Murder going up in the northeast doesn't significantly impact the national trend of violent crime going down.
No offense to anyone but I feel nobody is getting my point.
Murder not being a part of the Violent Crime definition. Separating it as if it's something totally different.
Even if I were to poison someone with a drink that just puts them to sleep and their heart quietly stops beating... it's still a violent crime because it's murder. The media's or political pundits are trying to either down play violent crime by separating the others in that category from murder so the numbers aren't "that bad". Wrong. Lump in the murder rate in the northeast into the equation and one may see the numbers of "violent crime" go right back up.
This is what I'm incensed about. The "oh it's not that bad" attitude being pushed upon citizens.
Headlines from papers aren't saying less about violent crimes but shouting them more often.
Who are they trying to kid here?
To my memory, they were always counted separately. I'm pretty sure that when I saw comparisons with the '50's and '60's, I saw they were counted separately then too. This wasn't separated recently for convenience.

I would agree that they should be counted together, just that this isn't new.