Hi, Brian,
Ok, I know I'm coming a bit late to this one, but...
The third video down (although it says it's no longer available) seems to show Shimazu Kenji/Kaneharu Shihan of the Yagyu Shingan Ryu Heiho, rather than Yagyu Shinkage Ryu, which is primarily a school of swordsmanship. To avoid confusion, there are two main branches of the Yagyu Shingan Ryu, one refering to themselves as Heiho (Shimazu Sensei), the other call themselves Yagyu Shingan Ryu Taijutsu, or sometimes Goto-ha Yagyu Shingan Ryu. The main differences are that the Heiho group train in armor for large parts of their syllabus, and have a wide range of battlefield-style weaponry, whereas the Taijutsu group include Bo and Sword, as well as Naginata with their unarmed combat, and train in Hakama and Keikogi while wearing a Hachimaki (headband, supposed to contain iron plates for protection).
The Kokusai Jujutsu Renmei of Tanemura Sensei teaches one of the sections of Yagyu Shingan Ryu Heiho, namely the Kattchu Yawara (Unarmed Armoured Combat) section, which, I believe, Tanemura Sensei was taught by Sato Kinbei Sensei.
Shimazu Sensei is also a teacher of Morishige Ryu Hinawajutsu (Hojutsu), which is a Koryu system of Japanese Gunnery, using matchlock rifles as they were first brought to Japan in the 16th Century. All their demonstrations are done in full armour, and are impressive visually and for the sheer noise (from all accounts).