Some advice needed


White Belt
May 18, 2010
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Hi everybody. I've just began muay thai training and i see that i have flexbility problems, especially in high angle kick. also my left side of the body does not have the same power and stability of the right side. can anybody suggest me any training to eleminate those problems???
I haven't done much Muay Thai but in other martial arts I have always heard people complain about left side weakness, be it lower or upper body. The answer is always, train more on that side.

Or, like Russel Crowe in Cinderella Man-- stop using your right side entirely for several months, and see how strong your left will get :bangahead:
I haven't done much Muay Thai but in other martial arts I have always heard people complain about left side weakness, be it lower or upper body. The answer is always, train more on that side.

If one side is weaker / less flexible, then spend more time stretching out that left side. If you feel that your left round ricks are weak, then double the amount you throw when you train (if you throw 100 kicks with the right leg on the heavy bag/thai pads, throw 200 kicks with your left.

That's what I did when I had trouble with my right leg. And no matter what anyone says, you'll find yourself a much better fighter if you learn to become ambidextrous in your training.

My blog might provide some tips to help you out in your overall training -