Software suggestion


Black Belt
For my Kenpo Brothers and Sisters. If your are like me and have had millions of popups occurring recently for no reason what so ever consider downloading Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.1. It is a freeware program. I just downloaded it today and ran it and found out there were all kinds of programs that allowed web pages to automatically click in and insert popups during my session. It kills and xjuniper (I think that's the name). Anyway, I also had this deal where everytime I logged out there would be a window that said, "are you sick of pop ups". It seemed to popup just after I logged out or as I was logging out so I was very confused. Heck I was more sick of that window than the popups. Anyway it looks up all the files that act as keys to allow those popups to intrude on your surfing enjoyment and then you can decide if you want to delete them or not.

It's just a suggestion (I take no responsibility if you blow up your system:D) , take it or leave it...

Respectfully, jb:asian:
I use stopzilla, ( it stops the darn things.

Another option is to use the Opera browser, it gives you the option to ban pop ups, but it has some funny habits.

Originally posted by Les

I use stopzilla, ( it stops the darn things.

Another option is to use the Opera browser, it gives you the option to ban pop ups, but it has some funny habits.


This particular program removes a new type of program that has apparently come out recently that is very intrusive with your system. It installs long distance dialers and all kinds of nasty things. It also does the pop up thing as well. Not like Stopzilla that is a popup killer per se, but stops programs that promote pop ups on your system without you realizing that those programs are resident on your system.
