Smurf Blue Dye?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick Skerry
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Patrick Skerry said:
You, or your sensei, will receive a verbal rebuke, for dirty or unkept judo gi's or will not be allowed to compete if the gi is much too unkept, including a very faded blue gi. And if somebody has paid $300.00, or more, for a custom fitted Mizuno or Kwon blue gi, chances are they are simply not going to toss it and buy another one.

SO HOW DO YOU REPAIR YOUR EXPENSIVE AND VERY FADED BLUE GI? But since you've never been to a judo tournament, why are you spending so much time on a judo thread?

At least Baytor's honest about his training. You are not. I think you have little, if any, Judo training. Why else would you not give us even the name of your orginization. You have asked alot of questions that people been nice and patient enough to answer, so here's a few for you:

Where do you currently train?

Where have you trained in the past?

What is your rank?

How long have you trained?

You've claimed to have been a Shiai Judge. If that were true, then you would be respected on these forums for your commitment to Judo. So there is no reason to hide, 'patrick'. Tell us how you gained your vast knowlege of Judo.

I urge that NO ONE post any responses to Skerry untill he answers this.
I'm worn out....i think my hunting days are over...we've had some good times...but unless i really feel the need to counter "patrick" i'm going to stop responding to him and his posts/threads...sometimes if you can't catch the critter you need to starve him until he gives up...

what put me over the edge was this post by seig in the "Revoking Rank" thread...whether or not it applies here is debatable...but ever since "patrick" showed up very little resembling intelligent discussion has gone on here...

Seig said:
To this end, I would like to address the subtle and not so subtle sniping in this thread. Once again, I find myself refereeing a urinary olympiad among the Modern Arnis crowd. So that it is not said that I am picking on any one person, effective immediately, the following is Martial Talk Policy. Any continuation of the constant and/or subtle sniping will see not only the thread locked but the perpetrator(s) immediately suspended, without warning. Take your personal issues elsewhere.
it was fun while it lasted but i will no longer contribute to the devolving of the judo/jujutsu for the rest of the merry little band of hunters that formed...keep up the fight if you choose...but everyone needs to retire at some point...and i'm out...

so unless i'm really needed back here by my fellow troll hunters...i'm hanging up the hat....

for those that haven't seen it....happy hunting....

It seemed to me that every person in the olympics had a special uniform from whatever country they were from. I would think that would be one of the perks for being in the olympics.
the supply the uniforms in the olympics for every sport that i have heard of. As for dyeing the gi's if you are good enough to be in tournaments where they kick you out for your blue being to fadded you spend enough time doing judo to own more then one 350 dollar gi.
By the way if they saw Ace's beat up blue gi they would definitly reject him lol.

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