sit back and relax


Orange Belt
Hi all,
I haven't posted anything in a while for good reasons. One was that I told myself to sit back and relax. I made a promise to myself that for the entire summer I would try not to respond to anything but rather, just observe all that's going on, and research what topic was on hand. I highly recommend it. Many times one's emotions take over when reading certain threads/topics and opinions, with the urge, and for what ever need, to reply. Sit back and relax and learn from the temptation of wanting to respond. If the need has to be met- sit back and relax before replying, I've learned alot.
I'm in a unique position whereby I host several martial art events throughout the summer at my school, been doing so for the past 16 years. Many top martial artists annually come to my Storm King School facility participating in various martial art related camps and also Action Film/Stunt camps.
I had the pleasure this year of hosting Red Bull's ( the energy drink ) 2nd Urban hip hop Fantasy camp. Red Bull had an international campaign whereby hip hop dancers had to submit video clips of their dancing/fill out questioners and then 30 were selected to participate. Go to for info.
This camp, with all expenses paid by Red Bull, united and brought together the top people associated with the hip hop industry including the founder of hip hop Kool Herc, several original members of the Rock Steady Dance crew, MTV, and much more.
This camp taught all the history of hip hop with lectures on the business aspects as well as daily dance lessons. From 8pm til 3-4am the dj was blasting beats for all the dancers. My gymnasium was turned into a nightclub.
The point i'm getting at is this. In the late 70's and early 80's I worked security at my friends nightclub and also was very involved in dancing. Certain nights saw over 500 people with only a handful of security, me included. Years of dealing with many situations that arise within this type of work setting gave me much experience and appreciation for the type of martial art training received from my instructors. I always hated though, the possibility of something happening. I enjoyed more the free time I had being on the dance floor.
The redbullbeatriders camp showed me how much I missed dancing. Literally living dancing from 11am til 3-4am everyday for one week gave a re-birth to dancing in my life. The beat found me again as one does not move to the beat- the beat moves one.
So, for all of you out there who spend way to much time in martial arts forums, sit back and relax and refind- whatever other passion you had in life. All to often the ego factor comes into play when dealing with the martial arts. Afterall, if something happens ( sucker punched, beat up, etc,) one's ego is deflated and in the majority of cases whereby that ( your seemingly martial arts greatness ) no longer lingers in the psyche of your associates, yada yada yada.
Sit back and relax.

billy shovan
Dance is certianly a great way to get things out of your system and enjoy oneslef at the same time
Happy to hear you rediscovered your love for dance

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