SilatVideoReview: Pukulan Pentjak Silat The Devastating Fighting Art of Bukti Negara Serak

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Okay a copy of this video by Paladin Press, featuring Guru Stevan Plinck made it's way into my collection this week so I thought I would do a review for you. Even though this was a no frills Paladin Production meaning a room with mats and camera this video tape is really a nice instructional piece on this system of Silat. I enjoyed the presentation without frills and the approach to the basics of the techniques shown. Upper and Lower body work was emphasized and points on the principles being utilized. (that is always good) Definately a good tape to have in the library for any Silat enthusiast!
I think this is a classic tape and should be regarded.
If you watch closely, I believe you can spot a young buck named Richard Dobson in a couple of spots (especially in the opening sequence). I hear he is pretty good too....
I have not seen this video but have had the pleasure of attending a seminar taught by Guru Plinck. I found his work to be of a high level and he himself a gentleman and professional. I can easily recommend his teaching and skill ability. It is good hearing that the video is also good. Thanks for the review, sir I appreciate this thread.

Brian King
Jay is being coy. He's no slouch at Silat himself. Richard aka Mushtaq is chief villain behind Tribal Edge Knives and Silat Zul Fikari as well as one of Chuck Pippin's secret teaching weapons.

And thanks, Brian, for the kind words. We really enjoyed having you down for the weekend and appreciate the time you took traveling. If you make it down again please remember that you are welcome to stay as our guest.

The Bukti/Serak tape wasn't bad. And despite how it looked the opening sequence really was unscripted. He just said to the people "Attack me however you want." :)

He has two more tapes out, privately published. But Steve Barnes was handling the business end. He's moved back to LA to get back into the Hollywood writing business. In a few weeks I'll be putting the tapes back into production, probably through CustomFlix. They're in much the same style - spare, instructional, with minimal equipment. They're mostly teaching aids and reminders for his students. As he says, there's not much space on a tape. If you want to see it again use the rewind button. He doesn't want to waste your time and money with endless repeats.

Some day we'll convince him to extend the series....
spare, instructional, with minimal equipment
cool! I am interested in those.
Any chance you are going to the Spring Gathering in GR, Todd? I am missing the Fall Gathering, but the spring one is shaping up to be another classic (already!).
I'll definitely be at the Spring Gathering. I would have been at the last one if it hadn't been for the 105 (according to the medical records) fever.

It looks like there will be a special surprise guest or two.
I know about one, but am curious about visitors from the pacific NW.
Bobbe doesn't count in the surprise category, but I would be happy with an author and one other guy....
I am looking forward to meeting you as well. It was great to finally meet Bobbe and Terry in person after so many internet confabs.
Take care and NO FEVERS ALLOWED! 105 -- sheesh!
I think Mushtaq and Bobbe have half convinced the author to show up. I'm working on the "one other". It's all a matter of schedules and plane tickets.

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