Silat training in the Buffalo area?


White Belt
I am interested in learning Silat, but I have no idea if there is anywhere to learn it in the Buffalo, NY area. Does anyone know of anyone instructing in that area? Thank you.
I'd be interested in an answer to this as well. The closest I know is Erie, PA and I can't seem to locate the person that teaches there. The only reason I know about him is because he was listed on an instructor list on a Serak website. No contact info was given though.
I am interested in learning Silat, but I have no idea if there is anywhere to learn it in the Buffalo, NY area.

You might look here. Nothing jumps out at me though. There are JKD people there who don't really advertise. Perhaps one of them does silat. I do think there is some in Rochester.

Tim Hartman would know the answer about the Buffalo area, I imagine.