Signing off for BB test

Thanks to Kaith for editing the post to appear the way it should have in the beginning.


Sincere thanks to SBN Bob Donnelly for the advice on preparing and for the well wishes...

Muchas gracias to my chiropractor, Dr. Robert Allen for adjustments before and after my test and for taking such excellent care of me and my family.

Many, many thanks to the students of CMAAWA who cheered us on and wished us well. You're next - hee hee hee hee hee.
Hello everyone...

SheSulsa had asked me to post more pictures from my test. Enjoy...





Thanks Silat...


Actually the Judges weren't that bad as long as you kept bribing them with a constant supply of snacks. Very dangerouse to let that blood sugar drop...

This is a bit belated, but oh well...

Shesulsa, I'm sure you've heard enough congratulations by now, so I'll just tell you: Mazel Tov! :D

And congrats to you too Kroh!
Zepp - thanks tons! It's a really big deal for me. Now to just keep the humility....


Zepp said:
This is a bit belated, but oh well...

Shesulsa, I'm sure you've heard enough congratulations by now, so I'll just tell you: Mazel Tov! :D

And congrats to you too Kroh!

Thanks Zep... :asian:


Forgive me for not catching the notice on your promotion. Congratulations on a job well done! I look forward to seeing pictures of your test.

You're truly a warrior.


Steve -

Please don't apologize. Thanks so much - I appreciate your support!


This post is on behalf of everyones buddy, Georgia (shesulsa)

The first one is of Marc (I assist him teaching his kids classes) holding the notebooks of three students. The huge bottom one belongs to Big Chris, the red and blue ones belong to Marc and the three in between belong to me. We have to turn these in at the test.

The second pic is of Me and Marc after the test and very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very glad it was over.

Third pic is of KJN Corona assigning me my breaks with the other students and a KSN holding (this is the first round of two, each containing two breaks - all kicking).

Fourth pic is of the whole group the day I tested - top row from left to right: JKN Debi Gallino (1st Dan), SBN Michael Hills (3rd dan), KJN (Master) Ken Corona, SBN Carmen Gallino (3rd Dan), KSN Baines (2nd Dan), JKN Sharon. Bottom row from left to right: Big Chris, me, Marc and Brian from the
Canada school. This is after all testing on Saturday was complete. (I was swollen and dehydrated - we could barely stand back up from kneeling).

Fifth pic is of JKN Chris Bingold (tested Sunday), me, Marc and Big Chris after little Chris's test. We were all still so tired and sore!!! We still had to be little Chris's uke that day. ICK.


With the board breaks...did you have to do several in succession?

Congrats again...