Sifu Mcfield and Eddie Ma Linage?


White Belt

Can anyone give me background on Lee Mcfield of Kansas City and his Master Eddie Ma? I know very little of Wing Chun and would like to learn more about the different lines? Sifu Mcfield web address is above.


John Runer
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He's supposed to train Yuen Kay San Wing Chun, some Choy Li Fut & whatever type of Qi Gong here's some more info. It seems as with anything some people think highly of him & others not so much, but I'm not into rumors so I would say if your interested in his style of Wing Chun give it an intelligent research & check it out for yourself, remember not everything on the net is even close to being correct. On a side note I guess he created his own expression called Wing Chun Fut, which contains elements of Choy Li Fut as well.

Take Care,
Btw, as fas as I know Eddie Ma is supposed to be from the Yuen Kay San lineage but don't quote me on that.