I usually open it up in a program with more muscle like macromedia fireworks, alter the size of the image (canvas) than save it, open it again in paint and save it as JPG (fireworks won't let me save as jpg). That's prolly the long way around, but it works for me.
The Kai said:
Is there a way to shrink a Jpeg so you could post it on the site??
Yes, but to do this you need photo enhancing software like Paint Shop Pro or Photo Shop or a slew of others. I use Paint Shop Pro 7. You open the .jpeg in the program and then, in that program anyway, you choose under the menu options...image then resize and you give it the dimensions you want and save it. If you want to also keep the original size on your computer then when saving it do as a save as. If you don't have the software, and you have just one photo you want to shrink to post you can e-mail it to me and I'll shrink it for you. You can get my e-mail through my profile.
You can resize it using Paint, the program that comes with most Windows packages. Go to Image, Stretch/Skew, and select equal proportions for the skew size (say 50% vertical, 50% horizontal) and then resave under a new name.


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