Shout out from North of the boarder

sempai little1

Yellow Belt
Hey everyone,
Great to meet you all, or as my American friends like to say "y'all" ;)
I live in Ontario, Canada near the Port Huron boarder in Michigan.
I'm currently a Nidan in Shorin Ryu Karate, but I am in my training year for my Sondan. Needless to say I am busy at the dojo.
I have the honour of teaching all age and belt levels but I have to say teaching the kids is the most rewarding and teaching the Black Belt candidates is the most frustrating, I mean is 50 push ups too much to ask a student going for a Black Belt?
Anyway, I love what I do and I do what I love.
Take care,
Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:
It took me 6 hours of hard work and dedication but I made it to my yellow belt.
If only getting real belt rankings was this easy....Naw, then everyone would have rankings.
Your friend,
Sempai Little1 :wavey:

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