Should Kaith leave MartialTalk?

Should Kaith step down as an admin/moderator?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Undecided

Results are only viewable after voting.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
It was suggested by Dave Cobb that I should step down as an administrator / moderator.

Now, I have an opinion on this, but according to Mr. Cobb, I'm not allowed to share it.

So, whats everyone elses opinion?

I'm curious.

I'm also really curious as to what I'd do with those 6-10 hours a day back....:D
For the record - I voted.

I picked undecided.

This poll runs for about 2 days.

Happy Motoring!

It wasn't that you SHOULD step down, it was if the job was too much for you then maybe you should. Anyhoo, I voted No.
I have also replied to that other post.
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There are a lot of other boards out there. Not many have acheived this level of success, in such a short amount of time. MT has become the prefered board of some well-respected individuals in their particular fields. In general, the quality of the content within the threads is far superior to many of the other boards available. There are always a few exceptions... thats the nature of any open forum... some threads will not be as exceptional as others.

It takes an incredible amount of dedication and hard work to create something like MT. It did not happen overnight.
The site continues to grow. New members continue to come. The number of members it gains greatly exceeds the number it loses. Not everyone is going to be 100% happy with the board. For some, the content here will simply be "not what they are looking for." It happens. Like any group within a given society, there will always be those who simply do not fit well within the social structure due to philosophical differences. Again, its unavoidable. Its nothing for everyone to panic over.

my honest opinion.... MT is simply going thru a "growing pain.' Its a temporary spasm... it will pass. The site is maturing, delveloping in new directions, and re-defining itself. All successful orginizations go thru this. The people who best know how to get MT thru this phase are the same people who got it here in the first place. Its their child, and they are the ones who willl know how to raise it. They have done a pretty impressive job so far.
Originally posted by D.Cobb
It wasn't that you SHOULD step down, it was if the job was too much for you then maybe you should. Anyhoo, I voted No.
I have also replied to that other post.

Your exact wording was:

"I think maybe you should quit. Admin/ moderator is obviously tooooo hard a job for you."

This doesn't read as: If the job was too much for you, then you should quit.

To me, your remark reads as: Quit, the admin/mod job is too hard for you.

I apreciate the support.

I also appreciate the reality check, so while Dave's wording may have been a bit harsh, he is entitled to his opinion.

Simply put there are only a few ways I would remove myself from MT:

1- Death - unless whereever I endup had a net connection, I'd def. be offline then. :D

2- Buy Out - Asking price for MT is $50,000 US, Cash. I'm serious. (Some will say thats an inflated number, others majorly undervalued. Either way, its my asking price)

3- I exit the web-hosting business. The costs of running MT as a 'hobby' without the donated space would prevent me from continuing to operate the site.

Dave and a few other folks are right to call me on my missteps. The key lies in correcting those missteps so that we keep improving.

I also set this up more as a lark, than out of spite. I am serious about y'all being honest in your answers, but there was no maliace towards Dave in my asking. (I'd been up working on "IT" for about 14 or so hours, so was a little loopy late last night.)

Peace y'all.
Not no, but HELL no. This is your house. Why would you leave??
I think this site is run very well. And I think you have done a fantastic job with it. One example are the great posts going on in the FMA section. There is a lot of great information being exchanged there. And I have found out a lot about the history of the FMA's in those posts. Things I don't think I would have found as easily in other places.
Is everything here perfect? No, but the site is called Martial Talk, not perfect justice for all martial artists and if you come here no one will ever upset or disagree with you .com. And I think the mods do a very good job of keeping things reasonable.
I have followed a lot of the griping and complaining posts here lately. And I see a trend of complaining about the mods as though you guys are completely evil and out to get people, and it amazes me. I understand people being upset, and hey disagree with the mods if you feel they are wrong. But remember they are just people doing this in their spare time and it isn't always going be perfect. But it's just a website . Although I think a very good one.
As for me I know I've only posted some 60 odd times and I'm not any sort of Martial Arts expert, when I feel I can contribute I do and the rest of the time I am willing to listen. That's why I come here.
With respect
Russell D'silva
The 14th Style

By the way I do think the mods are completely evil. :D
Of course NO.

So far this poll is as revealing as the other one, only in the opposite light.


Whether or not the first poll 'should' have been done or not is now a mute point. The percentages that were revealed supported the fact there was a problem. It is now history.

Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
It was suggested by Dave Cobb that I should step down as an administrator / moderator.

Now, I have an opinion on this, but according to Mr. Cobb, I'm not allowed to share it.

So, whats everyone elses opinion?

I'm curious.

I'm also really curious as to what I'd do with those 6-10 hours a day back....:D

Now wait, this ain't Saddam Husseins place. It's
one thing to get removed from your own country, but off your own board? Preposterous!(In the words of Iron Mike Tyson)

Not happy here? Here's my 2 cents:

* Leave
* Follow
* Get out of the way

You don't go into someones house and dis them.

Now, I'm a nobody here, and I in no way am disrespecting anybody here, but logical human beings just don't do that. I only see "one" boss here, and revolution is out of the question. It ain't gonna happen.

Thank You:asian:
Originally posted by Cthulhu
Your exact wording was:

"I think maybe you should quit. Admin/ moderator is obviously tooooo hard a job for you."

This doesn't read as: If the job was too much for you, then you should quit.

To me, your remark reads as: Quit, the admin/mod job is too hard for you.


You are right, and I am sorry. The wording was way off, and did not convey what it was I was trying to say. Besides, as you say, if you go who gets the website?

Kaith or Bob is the force that holds this web site togeather.

He is a voice of reaon that most of you never hear. When we mods have a disscusion he is the voice that puts the parts of the puzzle togeather and he is the one always voteing for a calmer more tolerant way of doing things.

He has chose in the past not to be a dictator and to be toleant of those that really ticked him off.

I don't expect many of you will ever know how much he does to keep this forum going on a even keel and to keep it as friendly as it is. Lets jut say there, i think there would be less members here and more that we kicked out if it not for his calm way of dealing with people.

of course these are my thoughts only
Originally posted by D.Cobb
You are right, and I am sorry. The wording was way off, and did not convey what it was I was trying to say. Besides, as you say, if you go who gets the website?


"Beep, beep, beep" the sound of frantic backpedaling. :shrug: