Should I change my Real Name???

Should I change my Real Name to Johnny Weasel?

  • YEAH! Thats an Awesome Name!

  • WHAT? Weasel? Are you a freakin NUT?

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MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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Well, lemme ask you all what you think...

I am contemplating changing my name IRL to something less... er...


and to somthing a bit more...


I came up with Johnny Weasel as part of the whole thing with this buisness Idea I have for starting a buisness, and I joked that if I ever joined SAG it would be my "STAGE NAME" but its kinda growing on me...

What do you guys and gals think?
Johnny Weasel? Yeah, I like it! It will definately cause people to look twice at you.
Well, if you ever do porn, you've got step 1 taken care of...

I think it should be Max Power. It worked for Homer, and it could have a Martial Arts twist to it.:D

Johnny Weasel, what type of business deal. Soulds like a lawers name. But hey, I like the name.
Originally posted by Kroy
Johnny Weasel? Yeah, I like it! It will definately cause people to look twice at you.

Yes, and someday your kids will love you all the more for having gone out of your way to give them this surname!
Techno, are you serious or just funnin? Is there a reason that you'd want to change your real name? Are you embarrassed of your family's history (is your last name Manson?).
Christian scriptures read Honor thy mother and father. This (includes) keeping the name you were given at birth and doing the best you can in your life so your life will reflect well upon the name.
Are you in some sort of legal trouble that a name change is required?
If you haven't done so look into your family's surname's history before making the change. Might find something in there worth being proud of.

Ya, what's in a name? A lot depending upon how you look at it.

Johnny Weasel? Try it out on some folks "Hi, I'm Johnny Weasel" (with a straight face) see how many snicker, /snorts and giggles you get out of that one...
I've told you my opinion over PM...

change it, and the Rock of Tempers shall bite your booty again, mate!

...and I agree with pknox....Johnny Weasel is a good porn name!
"Daisy Gets Driven" starring Johnny Weasel!! .......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
HAHAHAHAhahaha....oh god..hahaha...have you considered Malcolm Gnu? hahahaha....ok about Bruce Platypus?..HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!.......
Originally posted by MACaver

Christian scriptures read Honor thy mother and father. This (includes) keeping the name you were given at birth and doing the best you can in your life so your life will reflect well upon the name.

This is interesting... the first time anyone has mentioned that to me... I think Its a good question to pose to my pastor... Thanks.

And the thing is... I would be doing it for Ego Gratification purposes and as a "Standoff" thing... They way many performers change their names when they begin performing.

Someone did however point out to me that the lead singer from Screaching Weasel was "Ben Weasel" which, whill they were a cool band... makes the name a hair less attractive.
Originally posted by MACaver
Christian scriptures read Honor thy mother and father. This (includes) keeping the name you were given at birth and doing the best you can in your life so your life will reflect well upon the name.

What about women, who often change their surname upon marriage?
Originally posted by pknox
What about women, who often change their surname upon marriage?

Let's keep logic out of this!!!

My wife took her last name as a second middle name. It really screws up computer systems when they learn she has two middle initials.
Originally posted by arnisador
Let's keep logic out of this!!!

My wife took her last name as a second middle name. It really screws up computer systems when they learn she has two middle initials.

I know how you feel -- my wife kept her last name, and the children have both listed on their birth certificates. What makes it problematic is that her last name (Carroll) is often confused as a female first name. No worries with my daughters, but the teachers do a doubletake with my son now and then. ;)
Originally posted by MACaver
Christian scriptures read Honor thy mother and father. This (includes) keeping the name you were given at birth and doing the best you can in your life so your life will reflect well upon the name.

I guess if you buy into that whole thing then it's a good reason not to do me it's pretty laughable.

I've changed my name (legally) twice, before getting bored with it and changing it back to my orignal name.

I know a girl who changed her name to "Jen O. Cide", and another who changed her name to just the letter "E".

Originally posted by Galvatron
I guess if you buy into that whole thing then it's a good reason not to do me it's pretty laughable.

Why yes Electric Hellfire boy, I do "buy into that whole thing"... :rofl:

Although I will be the first to admit that I am about 3000 times more openminded about it than most Christians you will meet...

Hey, i figure even if I am wrong about the SPECIFICS, I am still forgiven... So I dunno if changing my name will effect my relationship with god.

How did this become a religious discussion again?

Originally posted by Galvatron
and another who changed her name to just the letter "E".

How is that pronounced?
Originally posted by Technopunk

How did this become a religious discussion again?
Someone insinuated that it would be unchristian of you to change your name, and I retorted that that concept was laughable.

How is that pronounced?

Like a long "E"
Originally posted by pknox
What about women, who often change their surname upon marriage?

That's different as the woman takes upon the name of her husband to show the bond that they created upon getting married. Now-a-days women do tend to keep their original names for whatever reasons (taxes, legal-stuff, business, etc.)
Honoring the parents goes a lot deeper than just the name. But if a woman were to be asked her surname though she is married then her conduct and life should still reflect well upon the name of her parents. It goes for both sexes.