Should Chuck Liddell Retire?


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
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After this latest loss, should the Iceman retire? Is there a possibility of a comeback?
After this latest loss, should the Iceman retire? Is there a possibility of a comeback?

Seems like a done deal.

The show will be remembered for Liddell's fourth loss in five fights and his apparent departure from the sport of mixed martial arts he helped build from the ground up. The 39-year-old Liddell said it was "probably safe to say" his career was over. "It's not working for me lately," he said simply. And then he left the news conference to go drinking.

It was up to UFC president White to handle the requiem.

"You're never going to see Chuck Liddell on the canvas again," White said. "It's never going to happen. It's done.

"Tonight was the end of an era. One of the greatest guys in the sport fought his last fight tonight."

White revealed he had tried to get the former light-heavyweight champion to retire after his last loss -- a devastating knockout at the hands of Rashad Evans at UFC 88. But Liddell convinced his friend and former manager that he would do the things in training to tighten his game for one last go-round.

White says the aging gunslinger lived up to his part of the bargain.
"He came out firing and put on the most exciting fight of the night, in my opinion," said White, on his best behaviour after a messy video blog brouhaha in advance of the card.
After this latest loss, should the Iceman retire? Is there a possibility of a comeback?
I think the question should be "should Chuck Lidell have already retired?"

There's no question to how much he's contributed to the sport, and to hardcore MMA fans, he's cemented his spot as an icon in the sport. However, it's been looking like his better days are far behind him. I'd like to see him in the sport, being that he helped bring it to the mainstream spotlight, but I think he should consider his fight days over.
Yes he should. He has lost 4 of his last 5 and has been knocked down in every single one of them. The Chuck that was champion is no longer around even though many hope and he believes is. MMA has evolved and unfortunately age has caught up with him.