Should Allen Steen be in the Black Belt Hall of Fame


Green Belt
I think so this is a bio about Sensei steen

It talks about how his reputation in his youth was only rivaled by Mike Stone and Chuck Norris as well as Joe Lewis i think. But he suprisingly defeated Mike Stone in a tournament i think the tournaments back then were not like today were its just points. Anyway Some people might not take the thing about beating Mike Stone to seriously though cause i think He was a brown belt when he was beaten by Steen. But He did defeat Norris.

By the way Mike Stone was one of them men Bruce Lee said he'd never wanna fight the other was Jim Harrison founder of Bushidokan.

But i don't know about chuck norris and all those infomercials. i can't believe he even did that. Just seems, low.

"hi! I am chuck norris and i reccomend the XXXXXXXXX"

"I use it for xxxxxxxx, and well i am chuck norris"
Almost all of the Hall of Fame's have been compromised or created with greed in mind. Very few are genuine anymore and people buy Hall of Fame credentials now a day's even from BB Magazine which used to be the standard. So take any Hall of Fame's with a grain of salt!

Allen Steen by all accounts was an excellent practitioner!
Yes he should be, but why would he want to be? Most of them is a tribute and it cost something, hell I have been ask to be in some but they always want something back in money. We need a real Hall of Frame that is not money base and is given for what we as MA'ist have done over the years like all other real HOF's.
I think so. I never personally met the man, but my second TKD instructor was a Steen Black Belt and he was awesome.

Allen Steen was one of the land breakers in establishing Taekwondo in the United States and I think he should be recognized for his efforts. Now, if we only had a legitimate Hall of Fame in which to do that.

I say legitimate, because last week I got something in the mail telling me that I have been nominated for the Hall of Fame. All I have to do is send them a non-trivial amount of money to pay for the plaque and my nomination can be processed.

Yeah, right....
I can see why you guys dont like the BB hall of fame there's been alot of boo boo's lately like when they nominated Jim Wagner then he got slammed with all those fraud claims

They do have alot of good names though like Bruce Lee, Mike Stone, Dan Inosanto, Adam Hsu, Gene Lebell but those were a while ago i think werent they?

They did put Jim Harrison in recently though as self defense instructor of the year. Jim Arvantis was man of the year or something sorry if i mispelled his name
The problem with the BB Hall of Fame is that in recent years if you are an advertiser you will be in it. So basically people are buying there way in. In the past this was not the case!
The problem with the BB Hall of Fame is that in recent years if you are an advertiser you will be in it. So basically people are buying there way in. In the past this was not the case!

I don't know, I just looked at it, and I didn't see my first sifu in there so it can't be that bad yet :D

That and I don't think I would say that to the 2007 Kung Fu Artist of the Year without my running shoes on :D

In all seriousness.. I agree, it ain't what it used to be
One thing everyone forgets is that he was a Bigot. I rember him making a statement that he did not allow "Ni**e*s in his school and the only reason they wanted to learn martial arts was to kick "Whitey's" a**
I got my TKD BB from a student of Mr. Steen's. Heard some crazy stories about the old Tex Kwon Do days...

Sure, put him in the HOF. He was very influential in spreading TKD in this part of the country.
One thing everyone forgets is that he was a Bigot. I rember him making a statement that he did not allow "Ni**e*s in his school and the only reason they wanted to learn martial arts was to kick "Whitey's" a**

Not like he was the only big name racist from that era...
Should Allen Steen be in a hall of fame ? Do pigeons poop on statue's, With out a doubt, Allen Steen was one of the top competitors of his era, And as an instructor turned out 80 to 90 % of the top fighters in the 60's and 70's in Texas, And the Texas fighters were some of the best in the country, And his tournament, The U.S. Open in Dallas was one of the very best, By the way, Steen never beat Mike Stone, That was Pat Burleson who as a black belt beat brown belt Mike Stone in a team tournament.