shot placement vs speed

Man, you are good. Damn.

You revive this topic every couple of years or something? :)
My answer remains the same:

If you can place 3 rounds touching in 30 seconds... You need to speed up. If you hit a limb with one out of 3 shoots in 1 need to slow down.
I agree. But not everybody else here does.

BTW you've got quite a memory.
I use the same stance I box from. Seems to work.
My shooting stance changed naturally with my MA training. I tend to take what would probably be called a modified Weaver stance. To me, it's a left-side hanmi, with the weight forward. This works especially well for me, since I'm right-handed, and left-eye dominant.
Worth it, yes. Unfortunately, not affordable to me right now.

As I said before, don't buy a membership directly from Front Sight unless you want to spend a fortune. There are much less expensive ways to get life memberships, such as on eBay.
As I said before, don't buy a membership directly from Front Sight unless you want to spend a fortune. There are much less expensive ways to get life memberships, such as on eBay.
I'll keep that in mind. It's something I'd enjoy doing someday.

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