Short Form Four...Worth Learning or just a waste of time?


Black Belt
This form is merely a variation of the original longer form. Short Form #4 consists of: Protecting Fans - Right Side, Darting Leaves - Left Side, Unfurling Crane - Right Side, Destructive Kneel - Left Side, etc. Thus, the motion of this form might be looked upon by some as being redundant to the motion in the original forms. Also does it really contribute anything unique to the base motion of American Kenpo? Some will say no...what do you think?
Sorry, I shouldn't assume that all out there know Short Form #4.:(

the really question is this....

Does it really contribute anything unique to the base motion of American Kenpo?:asian:
Originally posted by kenpo3631

Sorry, I shouldn't assume that all out there know Short Form #4.:(

the really question is this....

Does it really contribute anything unique to the base motion of American Kenpo?:asian:

Hey Bro,

I would say that the answer is yes and no. Short Form 4, according to what I know, was created as a competition form. The Original Form Four puts the competitor's back to the judges for an extended period of time, Short Form Four was created to rectify this problem.

As for having any REAL value? I would say yes, possibly in the form of some tropheys. Other than that, not really. Just my opinion.

Take Care,
Billy Lear
United Kenpo Systems :asian:
I always find value in any of our material...... even if it is in the fact of just re-facing the form and studying the angle changes and the architecture of the form. It is Kenpo drilling and movement.... with principles and such there has to be value there.


Okay wise guy, I was wondering when you'd get to this post...:rofl:

What value is brought to the table when all you are doing is eliminating a side of the form? The same theories, principles and concepts apply to the form. Nothing new is added.

Originally posted by kenpo3631
Okay wise guy, I was wondering when you'd get to this post...:rofl:
What value is brought to the table when all you are doing is eliminating a side of the form? The same theories, principles and concepts apply to the form. Nothing new is added.

One of the most important "Kenpo Tools" we have is the "Equation Formula". This tool may be used in several areas... on techniques, sparring or forms and sets.

Simply I am just deleting one side of the form to get a different drill to play with. The length alone is a new aspect as well as the new right to left interactions of the "old" form. But it still gives a new face to an old action.... all the while practicing our art (what can that hurt) imaging practicing kenpo inside and out.

Originally posted by kenpo3631

What value is brought to the table when all you are doing is eliminating a side of the form? The same theories, principles and concepts apply to the form. Nothing new is added.


Other than angle changes, I completely agree with your post. Nothing but boredom on behalf of the instructors in my thought. It seemed funny to me that Short 4 came to be one of the requirements right after Larry did the forms tapes on Panther. Maybe something to fill the void perhaps.

Have a great Kenpo day

There are a few of the Tracy's stylists that still have and, I would assume, on occasion, still teach, or use Short #4. I imagine that it lost a lot of usage due to lack of popularity, or being seen as not necessary or useful by the folks who did know it. Heck, I've even seen different versions of it.

I don't understand...what usage? I have to agree with Clyde:

Other than angle changes, I completely agree with your post. Nothing but boredom on behalf of the instructors in my thought. It seemed funny to me that Short 4 came to be one of the requirements right after Larry did the forms tapes on Panther. Maybe something to fill the void perhaps.

I have heard that it was shown as a tounament form as previously posted by Billy Lear, but what does it actually teach? How to dismantle a form and how to "delete"? You learn that by just learning the system without Short 4. So what else does it actually teach us? What principle? what concept?....:asian: