Shin Guard and the like, What do you wear during class?


Purple Belt
I started out using only headgear during sparring, etc., until my shin came in contact with another's shin. (I could barely walk for days) So now I use shin guards, the hard type, and I'm getting complaints from other students that mine are too hard. Others tell me that I need to "toughen" my shins so I won't need guards..., some use squishy guards,etc.

I'm confused. I have to go to work the next morning after class, if I can't walk, that's a problem. So I need to protect myself.

What do ya'll use, and what's up with this "toughen" mentality..

Sparring is to practice what you know, not to kill each other. Go ahead to pad up when you spar. You can decide how much protection you need and ignore what the others say. If they want a broken bone, then that's up to them. Broken bones as a result of sparring will put you out of commission for a while and isn't really necessary if it can be avoided in the first place.

Foam padded gear are frequently used for sparring and will lend some protection for you and your opponent rather than the hard type.

Now, if its street fighting, that's another story...injuries of some sort will likely happen to you and your attacker. At least, you will have your martial arts skills there for you...

- Ceicei
In sparring you don't want to hurt your partner or yourself. I think it is a little inconsiderate to not listen to what your partners have to say about it, after all, without them who would you train with? I say think about the soft foam dipped type, they offer plenty of protection for both parties and yet still offer a good range of motion.
We do some very traditional iron body training, which includes iron shin, so there is something to the "toughen up" part, but I still wear cloth shin protectors in tournaments.

Quote: Foam padded gear are frequently used for sparring and will lend some protection for you and your opponent rather than the hard type.

Quote: I think it is a little inconsiderate to not listne to what your partenrs have to saya bout it, after all, without them who would you train with? I say think about the soft faom dipped type

Thanks for he input. Much to think about...

Okay, that's two for the foam... Anyone else?
I just wear the foam punches and kicks. We have a couple people who wear shin and chest protectors. I have thought about wearing more gear but sometimes a nice purple sore spot is a good reminder of something I need to work on.
If I had a pair, I'd be wearing the hard thai style shin/instep guards, but only because the people I train with would have them too.
Foam unless you are doing contact training and hitting shin on shin on purpose, in that case everyone should be wearing the harder thai style ones like Chaosomega described.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Not even a cup--just gloves if required, and a mouthpiece when forced to do so (I find them very annoying).
(arnisador-Quote- Not even a cup)

"Holy balls of steel Batman" Really ?!? Omigod! :(

Thanks for the comments ya'll, I think I will look into the softer types...
Originally posted by arnisador
Not even a cup--just gloves if required, and a mouthpiece when forced to do so (I find them very annoying).

Same here. I don't wear anything special during regular training. In (light) stick sparring I wear eye protection and lacross gloves. In kickboxing matches I wear it all; headgear, mouthpiece, cup and groin protector, gloves, and thin hard foam shin guards. For kickboxing sparring I wear gloves, shin guards, boxing headgear, that's it.
I've had my shins beat up so many times by NOT wearing something that now, after the years of abusing the shins, I can barely knick them (even outside the dojo) and I am about in tears. So for me, they are a necessity at all times in class- not just for sparring and I use the foam kind.

I also must wear a very hard knee brace to classes because I blew my knee out a few years back in the middle of my 2nd brown test. I just warn the others and they are all good about it- I have had some people forget though and bash themselves pretty good on it- this is why I have adopted wearing a bandana on the outside of my gi pants on that knee!!

:asian: :karate:

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