Shark Attack! An Incredible Story


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Shark! How One Surfer Survived an Attack

"I was never afriad in the ocean," says Endris.

Silver fog blanketed California's Monterey Bay on a late August morning last year. For Todd Endris, it was a perfect end-of-summer day for surfing. The lanky 24-year-old aquarium technician zipped into his wet suit and headed to Marina State Beach, two miles from his apartment. As he waded into the surf, a pod of dolphins played in the waves just ahead of him. Other than a few dedicated surfers, the dolphins were the only creatures visible in the bay. Endris paddled strenuously and caught a wave in, then headed out to find another.

Resting on his board 75 yards from shore, he turned to watch his friend Brian Simpson glide under the curve of a near-perfect wave. Suddenly Endris was hit from below and catapulted 15 feet in the air. Landing headfirst in the water, he felt his pulse quicken. He knew only one thing could slam him with such force. Frantically paddling to the surface, he yanked at the surfboard, attached to his ankle by a leash, climbed on, and pointed it toward shore. But within seconds he was hit again. An enormous great white shark had him in its jaws, its teeth dug into his back.

rest of the story... read on ... it gets real interesting.

Begs discussion about the intelligence of certain animals and the reasons why they do the things they do for humans.
I have been in the water with the Sharks when I am out surfing. They don't usually bother people. But remember you are in their territory just like with a Lion you enter the circle of life were one eats the other.

Jacques Cousteau told me"Don't be affraid of them but also don't tease them"

I often dream about Surfing and Sharks.

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