Shaolin Kempo Karate in Kentucky


Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
Apparently the is supposed to be a SKK event in Georgetown Kentucky in October. The date is not set in stone yet according to my instructor but that in the next couple of weeks there will be more information available. All i know is that it will last a couple of hours and that a grandmaster will be giving lessons. If anyone has any info and comments or anything let me know.

any idea who the Grandmaster is? If I have that info, I can give you an informed decision :asian:
I know how to pronounce it but i have no idea how to spell it. Vallari (sorry if i completely butchered it). I dont know if this is right this maybe influenced a little by the fact that i see his name on this site a lot but im pretty sure thats what i heard. I apologize if im wrong

Well, to be fair, and I WAS a member of the Villari organization a while back, assistant to the president actually... Fred's stuff is pretty cool, but not really useful for anyone brown belt or above, at least that's what I've found from the numerous black belt workouts and seminars on DVD I have from him in the late 80's and early 90's, plus my own experiences with the organization. Now if it was John Fritz, that would be worth it! Most of what Fred teaches, when doing "shaolin" (which it isn't) is mostly stuff he got from books on kung fu, like the plum tree blocking system and such. The animal forms above black belt have some kempo techniques, some hung gar and a hodepodge of other kung fu styles, but as I said, can be found in books. If you do go, be sure to give us a review!
Thats cool. Like i said i dont know for sure if thats the name i heard. Do you know if there is anyone with the last Vasard (sp?) or anything similar to that? Also i will deffinitely give a review if i go.

hmmmm... I know there was a Master in Canada by the name of Yves Savard... Not sure if he's still with Fred or not though, but he was a SKK practitioner.
KempoShaun said:
hmmmm... I know there was a Master in Canada by the name of Yves Savard... Not sure if he's still with Fred or not though, but he was a SKK practitioner.

I know Master Paquette left Villari but have no idea for Master Savard.
Like I said I will find out tonight when i go to class. Thanks for all the input.

WOW. Well ive only heard good things about him. Apparently he is my instructor's(1st degree), instructor's(6th degree) instructor. I will probably go anyway just to see what it is like.

fnorfurfoot said:
Up until 6 months ago he was a 7th degree .

This is true that he was a 7th degree. He went to test for his 8th and was given his 10th. This is the info coming from my instructor

KempoGuy06 said:
This is true that he was a 7th degree. He went to test for his 8th and was given his 10th. This is the info coming from my instructor


The information in the newspaper article linked at his site indicated that he 'sent away for it' and was surprised by what he received in the mail.

By the way, can anyone find the contact information for the groups that 'sponsored' his promotion? Google is failing me at the moment.

Matt said:
The information in the newspaper article linked at his site indicated that he 'sent away for it' and was surprised by what he received in the mail.

By the way, can anyone find the contact information for the groups that 'sponsored' his promotion? Google is failing me at the moment.


Thats cool, im just letting you what i heard from my instructor. Either way im only a yellow belt which means im going to learn stuff that i would learn for a while if i didny go to the seminar.

KempoGuy06 said:
Thats cool, im just letting you what i heard from my instructor. Either way im only a yellow belt which means im going to learn stuff that i would learn for a while if i didny go to the seminar.


That's true. It's not like you have to be his best pal or invite him over to meet your mom or anything. If you learn something at the seminar, great. I've seen clips of him moving, and watched his cable access show (we're not that far apart), and he certainly isn't the worst fellow to get his 10th dan in the mail this year. He moves pretty well. I just tell people to steer clear of his school for other reasons.

KempoShaun said:

There's some info there, I was never very familiar with him, so I'll refrain from comments until I've met him and seen him move :)

Shaun what are you doing to me.. here i am trying to go to sleep and you force me to go to this page and read the whole thing... Well i'm awake now. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods
In peace
LOL! I'm doing ok Jesse. Have a minor surgery Monday to remove a growth of some sort on my kidney, but you know me, I'm always sick, and I'll bounce back again :wink2: Thanks again for the great work you did at the East meets West gathering, and hopefully see you soon my friend!
Sorry to hear the news, Shaun. Hope the surgery goes well and you have an easy recovery :)
Matt said:
That's true. It's not like you have to be his best pal or invite him over to meet your mom or anything. If you learn something at the seminar, great. I've seen clips of him moving, and watched his cable access show (we're not that far apart), and he certainly isn't the worst fellow to get his 10th dan in the mail this year. He moves pretty well. I just tell people to steer clear of his school for other reasons.


Ok Matt, I dare you to name one this year that is not from Nebra... I mean the Mid West!