SEX! Did that get your attention?


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
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Springfield, Missouri
That's what women in Kenya are asking their men.

The Kenyan women caucus for various women organisations dubbed G-10 caucus has called on all Kenyan women to boycott sex relations with their men for one week to compel the Country's leadership to solve their constant bickering's and dispute!

And the men are pissed!

The Maendeleo Ya Wanaume group criticised the lobbyists for turning sex into a political bargaining tool, saying it was morally wrong.
“Just imagine if it is men who said they are boycotting sex with their partners. Women would be on the streets today (Thursday),” Chairman and Founder of Maendeleo Ya Wanaume Nderitu Njoka told Capital News.
“They are trying to use sex as a tool to molest men in the society,” he protested.

Apparently the women are pretty upset about the violence in the country, and what they see as their leaders' failure to address it.
They said: “The women of this country will not tolerate and or allow its political leadership to lead it back onto a slippery journey to the country’s deathbed, violence and absolute chaos.” They threatened a sex boycott by women from Wednesday to demand that the two principals take control and lead the country to its desired destiny.

It's all pretty interesting. The women are even going to pay prostitutes to take a week's "vacation." Even the Prime Minister's wife has joined the protest.

I think it's genius. I'm not sure a week is long enough, and I think the men are fooling themselves if they think this would have nearly the effect in the other direction, but I like the fact that the women are standing up and using the tools at their disposal to try to initiate change.

uh-oh guys. the ladies are figuring out how to rule the world.

i'm going to start scouting for a dry cave & a sturdy club. there is no alternative.


Having more sex makes a man even more compliant. ;)
If your chick uses sex as a weapon, find a new chick. It's really that simple. Maybe they should start denying their children hugs too, see what that gets them.
If your chick uses sex as a weapon, find a new chick. It's really that simple. Maybe they should start denying their children hugs too, see what that gets them.

I agree with your point.

At the same time, if your lover is responsible for violence, or in a position to stop it and not bothering to, or puts his political ambition above what you think is right, why should you have sex with him?

Using intimacy as a weapon is wrong. But sometimes you don't want to be intimate with someone who you feel is behaving in an immoral fashion. And I think that's understandable.

it doesnt matter, these are WOMEN we are talking about, one of them will always betray the rest. Its the nature of the species.

Ask around, women KNOW they last people they can trust are other women.
I agree with your point.
At the same time, if your lover is responsible for violence, or in a position to stop it and not bothering to, or puts his political ambition above what you think is right, why should you have sex with him?
Using intimacy as a weapon is wrong. But sometimes you don't want to be intimate with someone who you feel is behaving in an immoral fashion. And I think that's understandable.

As always, well put Rob. But hey, they don't have to be with a monster. they can leave. It's not as if separation or divorce is unique only to our culture. I've recently seen a doc on muslim women in Africa leaving their husbands for various reasons. Sex should never be a weapon, but you don't need to stay married to a monster to use it as a weapon.
Never thought I'd be able to use this information. A play I studied in university.

Lysistrata (Attic Greek: Λυσιστράτα, "Army-disbander") is one of the few surviving plays written by the master of Old Comedy, Aristophanes. Originally performed in classical Athens in 411 BC, it is a comic account of one woman's extraordinary mission to end The Peloponnesian War. Lysistrata convinces the women of Greece to withhold sexual privileges from their husbands as a means of forcing the men to negotiate a peace, a strategy however that inflames the battle between the sexes. The play is notable for its exposé of sexual relations in a male-dominated society and for its use of both double entendre and explicit obscenities. The dramatic structure represents a shift away from the conventions of Old Comedy, a trend typical of the author's career. It was produced in the same year as Thesmophoriazusae, another play with a focus on gender-based issues, just two years after Athens' catastrophic defeat in the Sicilian Expedition.

And they said a degree in literature would never come in handy.
it doesnt matter, these are WOMEN we are talking about, one of them will always betray the rest. Its the nature of the species.

Ask around, women KNOW they last people they can trust are other women.

Change "women" for "a certain percentage of humankind" and I might agree with you.

Otherwise that's one statement that you have made that I would certainly struggle to entertain giving any breath to defending.
I have two kids, one of whom is three. My missus works afternoon - early night shift. I don't get much sex anyway so a a one week sex boycott wouldn't really scare me.
Oops, I meant to say that I was too enlightened to be affected by a sex ban. Yeah, that's what I meant. :mst:
I have two kids, one of whom is three. My missus works afternoon - early night shift. I don't get much sex anyway so a a one week sex boycott wouldn't really scare me.
Oops, I meant to say that I was too enlightened to be affected by a sex ban. Yeah, that's what I meant. :mst:
The women's hearts are in the right places but if they made it a month they knew that they'd end up being raped by their own husbands. I don't think it's the way to end the violence... the men will come to a treaty and when they start having sex again... they'll start right up again.
That well known correlation between sex and violence. NOT getting any might make the men MORE violent.
it doesnt matter, these are WOMEN we are talking about, one of them will always betray the rest. Its the nature of the species.

Ask around, women KNOW they last people they can trust are other women.

Odd I've found the opposite true. (sigh) First one week, then if the men see reason all is good. If the men don't see reason make it two weeks, then three, you get the idea. As for rape well one well timed " oh hurry up, already" or " that's it?! Bwahahahahaha!" would put paid to that real quick.
I'll admit I wouldn't do anything quite so mean but I wouldn't be married to anyone who would think rape was a viable option. The price wouldn't be a nasty remark, it would be a bullet in the brain pan. And this is Just Sex, not affection, not love, not touching. Just sex.
Wow, I need to mellow out or at least get some sleep. Or something
Good for the ladies. If it stops their men from behaving like violent murderous animals it's all good.

Women using sex as a weapon? In most of the world through most of history it's been just about the only one they've had. Men have the property. They have the money. They have the government. They have the military. They are bigger and stronger. In most places they can still beat or rape a woman who gets out of line. If Kenyan women are using one of their few advantages to save the lives of their sons, husbands and brothers so much the better.
It took em a while, but now we're screwed.


...but I thought we weren't and that was the problem. :rolleyes:

Hey, if it works what are the chances of mobilizing women in the U.S. to do the same? ...but wait... that wouldn't work here. Instead, we'd have to try and get the pages to do it. :lol2:
...but I thought we weren't and that was the problem. :rolleyes:

Hey, if it works what are the chances of mobilizing women in the U.S. to do the same? ...but wait... that wouldn't work here. Instead, we'd have to try and get the pages to do it. :lol2:
and interns and DC madams and... well, you get the picture. ;)
Hmm... denying sex to men who are prone to violence. I'm not sure they've fully thought through their cunning plan.