Yeah, apparently the trial of alleged serial baby killer kermit gosnell the democrat media...
Hmmm...Rush, Akin...serial baby killer...not a peep...
This is a great picture...the empty press section at the trial...maybe they could invite Todd Akin to come in to trick reporters into making an appearance...
It’s a fact that the national media treated the Sandra Fluke-Rush Limbaugh contretemps as if it merited dozens of stories across week after week. It’s a fact that the national media treated Akin’s and Mourdock’s ridiculous rape comments as if they merited dozens of stories across week after week. It’s a fact that the national media have treated horrific local crimes in Aurora, CO, and Newtown, CT, as if they merit massive coverage for months on end.
Hmmm...Rush, Akin...serial baby killer...not a peep...
Patheos asked the Washington Post’s health policy reporter, Sarah Kliff, why she has not devoted a single pixel to covering the Gosnell trial.
Kliff’s answer:Hi Molly – I cover policy for the Washington Post, not local crime, hence why I wrote about all the policy issues you mention.
The same reporter devoted more than 80 stories to covering Todd Akin (a local politician who said something dumb and not representative of anyone other than himself), Richard Mourdock (a local politician who said something dumb and not representative of anyone other than himself) and the Komen-Planned Parenthood story (which was really about the policy of the Komen Foundation, not national health policy), yet has not written a single story about the state of Pennsylvania’s failure to protect women and Dr. Gosnell’s alleged crimes, and the politics behind the state’s willful neglect, and the national policy implications of unregulated abortion clinics. There is now a second case of alleged horrors at an abortion clinic, in Delaware.
Now that this is a multi-state story, should Congress step in? Why or why not? Are more states failing to protect women from predators in medical garb? Click over to Sarah Kliff to find out nothing at all!
Sarah Kliff’s claim that Gosnell is a mere “local crime” story reveals that she is a liar with a byline.
This is a great picture...the empty press section at the trial...maybe they could invite Todd Akin to come in to trick reporters into making an appearance...
Well, we can’t have that, can we? Patheos’ Mollie Hemingway followed up with Mullane to confirm that the media section was really this empty, and Mullane confirmed:
I was surprised by the picture and asked “really?” He responded “Local press was there, Inky, PhillyMag, NBC10 blogger. Court staff told me nobody else has shown up.”Amazing: