Send me an Angel.

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
What do you get when you cross the most beautiful woman in rock with a German Panzer?

UDO and Doro Pesch
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My word! I didn't think that anyone outside of Europe would have heard of Doro :huzzar:! She was indeed most gorgeous - tiny (very short) but beautiful and with an enormous voice.
Doro- Für Immer

All We Are (Music Video)

White Wedding (Billy Idol cover)

Breaking the Law Doro Pesch. Judas Priest cover

Doro pesch-fear of the dark (Maiden Cover)

doro & warlock - fight for rock
Marvelous! A poster of Doro (from the pages of "Kerrang!") has adorned a wall in my residence since the '80's. Long may she reign (along with Lee Aaron) :D.
Intriguing, as Mr. Spock would say :D. I wonder what she is up to, musically speaking?
Don't remember her, either. I lost a decade somewhere.

I had never heard of her either - and I was living in Germany from 1982-85 as an Army Officer, followed by school in Holland.

Amazing how real talent often is missed, while the mediocre gets endless mainstream air time.
Check ou these tracks. Might be on youtube.
Breaking Up Again
Winter Dreams
The King
No Time To Lose (This ones a favorite of mine)