Self Publishing


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I know that some of our members have self published in the past, and I am curious if anyone has information about ISBN numbers and barcoding.

I know that you can buy an ISBN and code for a book from the ISBN offices for your country for about 125 bucks, but I'm wondering how would that work for a periodical? Im assuming one would need to have an ISBN to distribute a periodical, does that mean a new ISBN every month for 125 a pop? I tried looking for info online, but mostly ran across references for books, and on a few magazine startup sites there was info on how hard it is to get distribution for a new mag, but nothing about the requirements as far as ISBN or barcoding... I was wondering if anyone had info or references they could share?
I published a couple of books the old fashioned way back when that was the only way, but in future would probably always self-publish. For ideas and resources, my one-stop guy is at:

Has a newsletter, tips, etc. And he's one of the pioneers. Good luck. :)