Seeking knowledge


White Belt
Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
In a house
Hello everyone. I'm glad I found this forum site, because it will allow me the anonymity that I need in order to find the answers to many questions I have about martial arts and fighting in general.

To the forum creator/s, thank you, and I can tell by many of the posts I've looked at already that there is no shortage of wisdom and knowledge out there when it comes to these great fighting arts.

I have much to learn. I'll freely admit that. And I look forward to, and appreciate, your comments and responses to my posts.


(Can you believe these things used to scare me when I was a kid.)
Welcome to MT, I can see you too used to hide behind the sofa when the Daleks came on lol!
This is frankly the best Martial arts site going, I do most of my learning here! Enjoy!
Welcome and enjoy as far as the site goes you are correct it is the best and simply te greatest with all the wonderful people here.
Greetings and Welcome to MT....I have had accounts with other MA sites and have since closed them as THIS IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE.....
You have enter the dojo, and with a rei, demonstrated humility. You will do well here. Glad you found the site. Welcome and enjoy. I know I sound corny, but humor is also a big part of the site.

Hi! Welcome to Martial Talk! I've been learning a lot here since I joined. It's nice to connect with such a diverse crowd of martial artists. MT has everyone from noobs to senior Masters and from many different styles and backgrounds. Happy posting!