
He will make my bladder impervious to shock.

That is quite a grandiose claim, right there.

Does that mean he teaches how to not pee your pants when the **** hits the fan.

I'll say this, his marketing is typical of what works on the net today, and that is a sad statement.

More sad is that some people who will buy this will do more harm than good.

Back to the facts.

The system taught is based on what works in a self defense situation, I have not doubt that what is taught is functional for that context.

I have a problem with the hype and nonsense used to try and sell a simple self defense system, maybe his marketing should reflect his simple straight forward approach to self defense, I think that would be more convincing.

It is really sad when someone resorts to the very crap that they are claiming to be against.
By it's very nature the concept of self defense is not about being feared, but about effectively dealing with a situation in which you have to protect your or someone else's life. Wanting to be feared is the motivation of an attacker, it can be said that by becoming "fearsome" you can prevent an attack but putting that in an ad is just trying to appeal to your prospects emotions.
From what I saw on the site, you could get yourself seriously injured.'s the nature of the beast. Most anyone trying to make money from martial arts all make similar claims. Their marketing takes the same approach as many others.

Always keep in mind when reading or seeing ads like this that there is NO ulimate martial art system that will make you superhuman.

Bottom line: If it works use it.

However, I would suggest aquiring a good base in a "brick & mortar" school before venturing out to experiment with distance learning programs.
But the good cops know they have to go outside the box to The Self Defense Training System if they want to get home safe at the end of their shift!




Or they could just shoot you.

Efficiency is underrated.