SD Against An Unarmed Protestors?

The Lorax

Yellow Belt
Jan 2, 2006
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These videos were from the protests in CA last night. There was barely a mention of the the confrontation on the news, and the story the LAPD told was that there were "Anarchists" that threw things at them and tried to start a riot. The video is from an aquantance of mine who worked right in the middle of the protest, he filmed that on his way home. There were no "Anarchists" and the protest was peaceful until the police attacked the unarmed protestors. I consider the source to be reliable, but am interested in hearing anyone else's thoughts as well, especially if you were there.

Edit: Sorry for the gramatical error in the title.
There were no "Anarchists" and the protest was peaceful until the police attacked the unarmed protestors.

I find that very hard to believe. The police don't go out of their way to "attack" people who aren't doing anything; there is always reason for physical action on the part of law enforcement, especially in a media-covered event like this.
Phil Elmore said:
I find that very hard to believe. The police don't go out of their way to "attack" people who aren't doing anything; there is always reason for physical action on the part of law enforcement, especially in a media-covered event like this.

sometimes (many would argue often) that 'reason' is fear or machismo on the part of the officers. cops screw up just like everybody else.

that said, a massed charge like we saw doesn't happen without somebody's go ahead. since what they charged was originally off camera, this vid doesn't do much in the way of making me think the cops were unreasonable this time 'round.
Police do make mistakes. They do not, generally speaking, "attack unarmed protestors." Not in the United States, at least.
Well if it was anything like what happened here in San Francisco...I kinda wished they would have broken it up sooner. I walked out of the subway to the shouts of spanish and gun shots... Nice....
From what I saw, someone threw something at the crowd control line which caused the police to charge. It looked like the guy in the crowd threw a rock ... that's reason enough to charge. They can push people back from the line they are to enforce, arrest people attacking police officers and throwing a rock at an officer would qualify as an attack.
I don't but it either, there has to be more then the resolution and angles show.

Police wouldn't do that, that's not a lone cop beating someone when he thinks no one is looking, thats a sqaud going in together.

Their jobs are at stake, they probably knew their where cameras around, they must have had a reason. Maybe they over reacted, but "Suddenly swarmed and attacked a peacful protestor" I need a bit more evidence to lead me to believe that....
shesulsa said:
From what I saw, someone threw something at the crowd control line which caused the police to charge. It looked like the guy in the crowd threw a rock ... that's reason enough to charge. They can push people back from the line they are to enforce, arrest people attacking police officers and throwing a rock at an officer would qualify as an attack.

Very true. And once those officers shift focus to the individual they are attempting to arrest/detain/subdue, any approach from "bystanders" is viewed as a potential threat. More often than not police are drastically outnumbered in a crowd control situation. Peaceful protesters don't throw rocks, nor do they actively fight officers.
Phil Elmore said:
I find that very hard to believe. The police don't go out of their way to "attack" people who aren't doing anything; there is always reason for physical action on the part of law enforcement, especially in a media-covered event like this.

Police do break the law just like anybody else, though that many at once seems unlikely, and this particular area had no media coverage. I'm not really arguing either way, I was mostly hoping that some one here was there as I'd like to get multiple views on what happened. I've heard from two people that were there that the police attacked first, for whatever reason. The guy who shot the video wasnt a protestor and was as unbiased as possible up until he witnessed the police attack. It's possible that he missed whatever was thrown.
The Lorax said:

These videos were from the protests in CA last night. There was barely a mention of the the confrontation on the news, and the story the LAPD told was that there were "Anarchists" that threw things at them and tried to start a riot. The video is from an aquantance of mine who worked right in the middle of the protest, he filmed that on his way home. There were no "Anarchists" and the protest was peaceful until the police attacked the unarmed protestors. I consider the source to be reliable, but am interested in hearing anyone else's thoughts as well, especially if you were there.

Edit: Sorry for the gramatical error in the title.

Speaking as a person who has had a misunderstanding with a police officer and been at the wrong end of his fist or knee, that did not look so bad. As I could not see what was thrown or drawn, or what was yelled, I have no idea what "Threat" the police were reacting too.

** PS: Never spent a night in jail, just long hours in questioning in police stations or immediate lock up. Like I said a misunderstanding that is a different story in itself.
I'm pretty quick to criticize the police when they get heavy handed. But one benefit the mighty free market gives us, video cameras everywhere, generally keep cops honest at large peacefull demonstrations.
RoninPimp said:
I'm pretty quick to criticize the police when they get heavy handed. But one benefit the mighty free market gives us, video cameras everywhere, generally keep cops honest at large peacefull demonstrations.

Hence why I think there is more to the story.

Maybe the thread starter could go to the police and ask to see what charges were files and or if there is a public statement files with the press but just not published?
Rich Parsons said:
Hence why I think there is more to the story.

Maybe the thread starter could go to the police and ask to see what charges were files and or if there is a public statement files with the press but just not published?

I live quite a ways away from CA, thats why I posted this here. I figured lots of MA guys are in the force, maybe there's a chance one of them knows something I dont.
shesulsa said:
From what I saw, someone threw something at the crowd control line which caused the police to charge. It looked like the guy in the crowd threw a rock ... that's reason enough to charge. They can push people back from the line they are to enforce, arrest people attacking police officers and throwing a rock at an officer would qualify as an attack.

If that's the case, the TOTAL case, than I agree. However, video is tricky as it only shows one segment in time and not before or after. I'm reserving judgement against the police until or unless I hear more.
shesulsa said:
From what I saw, someone threw something at the crowd control line which caused the police to charge. It looked like the guy in the crowd threw a rock ... that's reason enough to charge. They can push people back from the line they are to enforce, arrest people attacking police officers and throwing a rock at an officer would qualify as an attack.

I thought I saw something fly as well, but I was not sure if it was poor shadow or not.

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