Maybe Mars HomeWorld Security is on a state of heightened security, considering they have a fleet of unknown space craft heading their way, who want to land anywhere they please?

CNN) -- Europe's effort to successfully land its first probe on Mars has suffered a setback.
The British-built Beagle 2 probe has failed to broadcast a signal to confirm it has landed on the red planet.
Landing was supposed to have happened at 21:54 EST (02:54 GMT), but it is not yet known whether it survived the dangerous touchdown.
If its parachute opened, its airbags deployed and its outer cocoon bounced to a halt as planned near the Martian equator, the 140-pound probe was to hail NASA's Mars Global Surveyor orbiter when it passed overhead.
Scientists say they still hope to eventually hear from Beagle 2, whose mission is to see whether there is life on Mars.
Professor Colin Pillinger told a press conference Thursday morning the lack of signal does not necessarily mean failure and offered five possible scenarios:
• The spacecraft landed in the wrong place
• The craft's transmitting antenna landed disoriented and cannot fully open
• There is a communications mis-match between NASA's orbiting Mars Global Surveyor and Beagle 2
• A failure during entry descent damaged the spacecraft
The next chance to contact the Beagle 2 falls to Britain's Jodrell Bank Observatory, which will try to pick up the lander's signal at 17:45 EST (22:45 GMT) on Christmas Day.
Confirmation of a safe landing would come in the form of a nine-note musical signal from Beagle 2, written by the British pop band Blur.
Maybe Mars HomeWorld Security is on a state of heightened security, considering they have a fleet of unknown space craft heading their way, who want to land anywhere they please?