Scientific Methods of Wrestling by Paul Prehn


I am pleased to announce the republication (free download, as always) of Paul Prehn's Catch-as-Catch-Can wrestling manual Scientific Methods of Wrestling.

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Prehn, a wrestling great from yesteryear, now is little remembered except by the odd wrestling historian.

Prehn was one of the early 20th Century "Big Names." A member of the Wrestling Hall of Fame, he participated in numerous well-billed wrestling matches, both as a G.I., and as a civilian. He dedicated a good portion of his life to promoting Wrestling and the manly arts including acting as a professional coach for collegiate wrestling with the Illini, successfully placing in top 10 matches such as the 1928 NCAA Collegiate Championship. As a G.I., Sergent Prehn taught Wrestling as an assistant coach at Camp Dodge in 1917 and won the 1918 Middle Weight Inter-Allied Games championship. He was, for a time, the Chairman of the Illinois Athletic Commission. Prehn was elected to the office of President of the National Boxing Association in 1928 which was then induced to add professional wrestling to the list of the organizations responsibilities.

Among his other important contributions is this wrestling manual. Being from 1925, it includes many techniques and some advice which is now illegal or considered foul play, such as the use of arm-bars and neck-cranks. All par for the day, but forgotten by most and now, but with the ascendancy of MMA and grappling, is now being rediscovered by wrestling aficionados.

Packed with more than 70 photographs, this manual, faithfully transcribed by Kirk Lawson, is one of the best Catch-as-Catch-Can "Scientific Wrestling" manuals of the early 20th Century and is an indispensible reference for modern wrestlers and historians alike.

Be sure to rate it on Lulu's rating system!

Peace favor your sword,
these texts are great, thanks. can you recommend any books on the overall history of catch wrestling?