Schools North of Boston?

Chat Noir

Orange Belt

I'm from Peabody and very much into the Chinese styles and would love to learn weapons as well, however there really seems to be very little out there on the North Shore. Is there anyone familiar with this area that can recommend good schools or teachers? I'm not looking for a commercialized school, just a good teacher - I don't care if he teaches in his garage or a church basement. Thank you.

Thank you for the replies. I was hoping to find something a little closer in places like Salem, Peabody, Danvers, Middleton, North Reading, Malden, etc. Given my work hours, it's hard for me to make many of the Boston classes and using the commuter rail to return home is a tough ride and wait given the schedule. I've done a general search but it seems everything is way out in Cambridge, Arlington, and Boston.....

Thanks again.
OK here’s the thing, you have a lot of Martial Arts schools in yor area but they do not happen to be the CMA you want. Pick one and train it and eventually you may find the style you are looking for.

There is a Taijiquan school on the North Shore that is affiliated with the Gin SoonTai-Chi Chuan Federation - North Shore Tai-Chi Club

Other than that I know nothing about the school since I have not lived in that area for over 40 years. A bit of Webfu however produced a whole lot of MA schools and one, if I were younger and in the area, I’d check out Sityodtong Northshore Muay, but that is just me.

But I have no direct experience with any schools in your area
Thank you; I do live in a tough area for decent Chinese Martial Arts, but I appreciate all the links. :)

Guros Mike and May Williams at Martial Arts Research Institute in Salem teach Wing Chun, Sifu Henri Mui's line. I forget if we had this conversation before? I used to live in the area. :)

They also teach Kali (Filipino) and Silat (Indonesian). They are fantastic teachers and overall very good people. I'd strongly recommend visiting to see if the school is your thing. PM me if you would like to know about the short cut down Tremont that bypasses all the 114 traffic :D

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