Schools near Maidenhead UK


Yellow Belt
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Derby, UK
A good friend of mine is looking for a wing chun school where he lives, in Maidenhead UK and has asked me if I can find him a good place to study. I've had a quick look around google and google maps but I'm coming up a little lacking in that area.
I'd really be grateful for any help anyone can give if you guys know of any specialist, martial arts school finding websites or anything like that.
Quite a difficult area for any well known clubs but a search on google fetched up 2 places.

One in slough:

and one in Reading:

If you find anywhere else just post them and we will let you know about them if we have heard of them.

I can not vouch for the links I have put above but if there is nothing else available then learning somthing is better than learning nothing.

I really hope someone else manages to find some better info for you though as there are a lot of places out there that really do not know what they are doing.

Good luck in your search.
I had a quick read of the slough one. Hes only been learning himself since 2006. Our senior studens have been learning longer than that so I wouldnt personally go there but thats my opinion and someone may be able to prove me wrong on that.

How far is your friend willing to travel?
It does seem to be quite a dry area for any martial arts really, I guess being so close to London all the schools land there.
I found this one which looks quite good

I also found a kamon group in the area, whilst I genuinely have nothing against big academies like that I think a smaller group would suit him better, at least to start out with, it's less intimidating I suppose.
That place actually looks quite good. Ive not heard of him but hes been doing it a while so may not be too bad.

There are a few people around here from Kamon aswell so I know they would vouch for that.
Well I did recommend Kamon to him. Again, I don't want to start any fights, I know they are a very good school but I'd be a little intimidated walking into a big place like that :). Thanks for the help anyway. I'll let him know about this site as well so more than likely we'll get a new member as well hehe.
Ah cool, that does look like a good school.
I'll link him to the site because I don't really know his area that well. I'll see if he can spot anything close to him.
Thanks a lot :)
I wish I knew this site existed when I was looking for a school, it took me ages lol
I will give a thumbs up for Kamon, Master Chan is a nice guy and incredible martial artist. He wouldn't make someone an instructor if they weren't capable.

Worth trying a few if your mate has time, to see which one you gel with.
As an instructor in Kamon I can vouch that we know our stuff. It is always a risk with big federations that instructors will be made on a factory line etc, but I can vouch for both Kamon and UK Wing Chun Schools (James Sinclair), that this isn’t the case. Instructors are hand picked and have to work hard to get their position
Not only that, but Master Chan has an eye on everything, both at gradings and during classes. If he sees students that aren’t doing well, he will talk to the instructor and sort it out

Kamon is very friendly and we do not bully people. Certainly at my class, if a student cant handle an exercise then we work to their level (rather than force them to do it)

It is always worth popping down to the class before you sign up
Thanks Kamon, I did recommend he at least try out a bigger school, he might prefer it after all. From what I've heard they are very good places to learn wing chun.
He's starting his first class this Saturday but I'll drop him an e-mail to remind him that if he doesn't get on there, or doesnt feel like it fits or whatever then he should just try a different school rather than give up flat. I'll point him in the Kamon direction next :)