Scammers, they never give up.


Black Belt
It seems that I get mail from the various scammers every couple of days. They are always trying a new angle to get to you. I got this today:

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mr. Mohammed Hammad" []
Date: 04/12/2011 08:28 PM
Subject: Re: Info

For your kind information:
I am contacting you for a possible business deal based on the political crisis in Egypt. I have been instructed to contact you because we want to partner with you to help secure the resources of the president since the office of the presidency has been dissolved and some of our foreign investments has been confiscated or under threat.
Read this site for more details:
As soon as we receive your positive response we will proceed with the arrangement and provide you more instructions on what to do. The deal involves huge cash movement and liquidation of foreign and local investment. You will be well compensated.
Your immediate response will be appreciated.
Mr. Mohammed Hammad

So, here was my reply:

Mr. Mohammed Hammad,

This is too important of an issue for me to help with, I can't handle a task such as this. I am not capable of helping with the finances of a large country, I'm just a lowly commoner of the United States. This needs to be handled by someone who is versed in such matters.

I'm going to forward this note to the Secretary of State of the United States, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and the F.B.I. Once she has the details, she can help you a lot better than me.

Thank you for contacting me and I will let Mrs. Clinton know of your situation.

Sifu Al Zepeda
Wing Chun, hit hard, hit fast, hit first!

Forms, situations or things you can see or feel may not be true or genuine. Cultivate yourself so that everything becomes natural, to where it needs no work, then it becomes true or real.

Does anyone fall for these scams anymore? Why do they waste their time? You'd have to live deep, deep in the woods to fall for something like this now.
Does anyone fall for these scams anymore? Why do they waste their time? You'd have to live deep, deep in the woods to fall for something like this now.

The scams continue because they work. If no one got clipped, there would be no profit in sending these things out.

I guess there are some folks living in caves along with OBL, and somehow they have an Internet connection and a bank account even though they are utterly uniformed in all other respects. I think the warnings have been given at every level; what can you do? I've even had friends and relatives get angry at me for suggesting that something they're about to 'invest' in is a scam. Then they're REALLY angry later when it turns out to be just what I said it was. I am told that I "always think the worst of people." Hmmm. Well, I guess that's true.

But I don't click on links in email messages, and I don't send money to people who promise me millions in return. That's me, Mister Negative.