San Da.San Shou - Xingyi & BAgua!!!!!!

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I do not have much time to do a long post right now, but I have a friend that I, not to long ago, found out had studied San Da (the police version - not the ring version) where he grew up in China and has studied for many years, he is the real deal, believe me. He tells few and teaches fewer. He does not want to teach it to someone that will use it for the wrong reasons and he does not want the challengers.

He knows I have been doing Tai Chi and he recently offered to teach me. It is very traditional style training. Learn a few things, go practice for a month and go back show what you have trained if it is ok, learn a few more things. Basically up to this point I have been doing pull ups, his way. Push ups, practicing kicks and hitting trees (as I said in another post, "trees fear me".)

Today I told him that I was going to go back and train Xingyi since I found a teacher and he proceeded to do 2 forms, one Bagua and one Xingyi.

I asked him when he learned Xingyi and he said "I didn't, they are from my San Da training" I was a bit shocked. Now I am training 1 Xingyi/San Da form and more kicks, but now they are higher kicks now. And I am still feared by trees everywhere.

I am still going to train Xingyi as well; he has no problem with this.

I was wondering if anyone new that Xingyi and Bagua forms were part of San Da/San Shou? Or is everyone as shocked as I was?

Imagine how long this would have been if I had time

AceHBK said:
That had me laughing.
The though of kicking a tree makes my leg hurt.
Sounds like things could and are going very well.

Gald to be of service.

Actually he has me hitting them with palm strikes and now pacticing one of the Xingyi forms and doing high kick drills. I fear kicking trees is soon to follow.

You have heard of Kwi Chang Kane as Grasshopper, I am "Tree pounder", which is ok I guess, back in my Jujitsu days, when the show kung fu was new, my sensei called me stump jumper. Who knew it was to be my destiny

And so far things are going well, thanks.

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