

White Belt
Good Morning, Good Evening, and Sup. I've been lurking the forums here for awhile and finally got up the nerve to join so i'll tell y'all a bit about myself. My name is Richard, I'm a freshman in college, and i have an unhealthy obsession with the color orange.

I had always been interested in martial arts and everything relating to combat, but it was only recently that i came into the funds to begin classes, as of now i am a Red Belt in Taekwondo, and once i attain my black i plan on beginning Aikido and Judo, as i have always had a love for the grappling martial arts.

As of right now, this is all i feel the need to write, I'm probably forgetting something important, but that shall be discussed later.

Hope to become a part of this fascinating and helpful community that i have noticed around here, glad to be aboard.