Sad day for TKD in my family

2nd Black Belt
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
For the first time in 12 years and probably 75 or more competitions, my daughter is competing and I won't be there to watch. I have to work.

I am so bummed!!!
Sorry to hear that but remember her fight team is also family or atleast at my school and since I know your instructor it is there as well. I know that does change anything but it is what I can say and know she will be fine with that great team.
Thanks Terry. I know she is in good hands and my wife is there and has promissed to call after each team fight to let me know the results.
Awe Id be bummed too! At least youre there in spirit and she knows how much you care and want to be there!
That sucks man...I'm really sorry to hear that. I know how much you have invested in our daughter's're quite an inspirqation for me and my kids.

Don't you hate when work gets in the way of fun?

Good luck to your daughter!
Work? What is that? Drop that stuff in the trash and go.
Their team has not fought yet. Last talked to my wife about 20 minutes ago. Thanks for asking
We came home after the team demos (left around 2pm). Had I known you weren't there, I'd have stayed to cheer her on for ya.
Next time dad. She knows you are there in spirit.
Actually someone knew I wasn't there and they ran out of time yesterday before her team fought. So it continues today and I will be there for the whole thing. I still have 1 100% attendance record!!!
That is great Go Samantha
Just got home. Wow, what a long day, but well worth it as Team X Jr Girls team brought home first place and $2000 in prize money. The team really kicked butt. Great job to Gigi, Nicolette, Deireanne, Tatyana, Samantha and of course the greatest sport TKD coach on the planet, Tim.

I am going to bed now!!!