This style of conducting battle in the criminal medium arose. It is more precise, among the prisoners. Genealogical “wolf battle” assigned to it completely modest place in that phenomenon, which we with you agreed to designate as “controversial culture”. Yes even not only genealogical mixed this style to occupy place among the combat of syn. connected this the with the fact that “wolf style” this of — th hooligan manner of battle e brought to the virtuosity. The attentive reader will immediately recall that the hooligan manner (that is to say street fight) is absolutely deprived any rules and limitations. Specifically, this approach for a long time made former [zekov] with champions in the street collisions. “Wolf battle” never pretended to the high title of combat skill, nevertheless we were obligated to render to it proper, because this is the unconditional competitor of battle according to the rules.
By the task of this style is the achievement of a maximally rapid victory above the enemy any accessible means. The spectrum of technical actions is extremely wide, but as a whole it is subordinated to the idea of instantaneous attack. Attack is conducted from th positions e completely unexpected for the enemy, moreover impacts are delivered only on the vitally important regions of body. Very specific for this style it is possible to consider it to manner to remove view from the direction of impact, which forces enemy to be in the state of uncertainty. To this is added the capability to be moved “by fir tree” for enemy (i.e., along the broken line). This " draws apart” the attention of enemy, without giving to it the possibility to any effectively resist. Struggle itself occupies very short time. As a rule, this one-two clearly planned attacks. In this style is very important the ideological installation, which tells us, that the wolf never is victim, in other words, wolf always hunter, it it is not the defended side. After the masters of this phase of battle is noted one additional specific special feature of — very strong hands. The tactical constructions “wolf style” clearly intertwine with the technical habit (just as in all styles of [slavjano]-[goritskoj] fight). It would be possible to designate strategic tactical technical installation for this style by one phrase: “beat first and besides unexpectedly”. But in addition to this, there is one additional special skill of soldiers “wolf style” of — this [vsepodavljajushchee], almost hypnotic influence of that at liberty attacked. For achievement this effect can be used those bringing down to the sense of statement. the special methods, which make it possible to instantly introduce victim into the surface trans- states, and also the methods of actor's game. Speaking in general terms, are attacked the physical and mental plan of victim simultaneously (thinking victim it cannot be included because of the extremely paradoxical behavior of aggressor). This special feature makes possible to carry “wolf” battle to the tactical psychological styles, in contrast to the tactical technical directions, more customary for the reader. One of the experts of this manner of the battle of Sergey Ivanovich [Stetsenko]'s — — considers that “the wolf” does not fight in the customary for the professional sport understanding of word “fight”. “Wolf” only attacks, but its attacks, in the overwhelming majority of the cases, complete by the defeat of enemy. By the way, here I only outlined the outlines of this style. Detailed information on this question can be obtained only in the clubs of [slavjano]-[goritskoj] fight. The independent study of this style is impossible not only in view of the scarcity of the legalized information, but also because of some completely specific special features, about which there is no reason to speak in the wide broadcasting. I can only add that the value of this phase of battle and its popularity in the numbers of the worshippers of [slavjano]-[goritskoj] fight is difficult to overestimate.
For example, the totem of wolf, which was once by the symbol of hunting clans, became the inherent attribute of the [druzhinnykh] cults. Or here: the animal embodiment of the god -[Gromovnika] of — the gray wolf of — the same frequent character of Russian fairy tales as the located under the straight patronage of Peroun Russian hero-wonders. Among other things, wolf- werewolf has the most direct connection to the archaic military magic, to the means of [berserka], which preferred to walk to the enemy in the wolf skin and which is powerful by wolf roar and with howl to accelerate the horse army of enemy, becoming similar in its courage and fearlessness to the sacred animal of thunderer…
Are cited on M.T. of connecting rods “Russian professional fight”, a series “encyclopedia of Russian single combats”, [M].1998, [str].184-188.