Running Advice...


2nd Black Belt
I have a question about running....
Can anybody tell why,when I start to run,I get this major adrenaline overload at the cery bginning of the run and it seems to center in my legs?
I mean,I don't even get a block before my legs start to feel weak.
Short problem at all!
I don't feel a thing!
But when I try for distance....
My legs go to jelly..........????????????????
Any ideas,explanation or advice?

I am looking at re-inlisting and I need to increase my distance a bit.
Quite a bit actually!

Got all them young'uns to compete against
Have you been running on a regular basis or are you just starting to get back into it? If you've had a little break, it may take some time for your body to get used to it again. You might want to start off with a light jog and shorten the distance slightly. I'd gradually build back up to it rather than trying to take on a long distance so quickly.

How far are you looking to run? You might try something like this. While you're building your stamina back up, try walking for a minute, then run. Swtich between the two, eventually decreasing the time you walk and increasing the time you run.

Just a few suggestions for you. :supcool:

Good luck.

MJS said:
Have you been running on a regular basis or are you just starting to get back into it? If you've had a little break, it may take some time for your body to get used to it again. You might want to start off with a light jog and shorten the distance slightly. I'd gradually build back up to it rather than trying to take on a long distance so quickly.

How far are you looking to run? You might try something like this. While you're building your stamina back up, try walking for a minute, then run. Swtich between the two, eventually decreasing the time you walk and increasing the time you run.

Just a few suggestions for you. :supcool:

Good luck.

Much thanks for that!
I used to do 5 miles every other day(cept sundays when I only get out of bed to lay on the couch
But when I got my DD-214....running when right out the door!
But that was many,many moons ago!

I am going to try the "minute on,minute off" that you suggested,but should I keep a slow jog and back off the sprints for a while?
Because after the minute walk....I'm going to be tempeted to sprint again.

Thanks again,

Bammx2 said:
Much thanks for that!
I used to do 5 miles every other day(cept sundays when I only get out of bed to lay on the couch
But when I got my DD-214....running when right out the door!
But that was many,many moons ago!

I am going to try the "minute on,minute off" that you suggested,but should I keep a slow jog and back off the sprints for a while?
Because after the minute walk....I'm going to be tempeted to sprint again.

Thanks again,


When you're doing the minute on/minute off routine, I'd keep a slow to moderate jog. Of course, you can always alternate your training. One day do the walk/run routine and another head out to the track and sprint the length, but walk on the curve, then sprint, etc, etc. However, like I said, if you haven't been running for a while, I'd start off slow and gradually build yourself back up.

Glad that I could help out! :ultracool


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