Roundhouse kick


White Belt
I am having trouble with my roundhouse kicks. When I kick the bags my feet get bruised (I am kicking with instep). Are you supposed to kick the bag with the top of your foot or farther up on the foot? I have a bone that sticks out in the middle of my foot so it makes it worse.
Many questions devolve from this simple one, IS.

I'd suggest before enquiring further that you do a little searching of the site on the subject of which part of the foot should be used for striking.

For me, it all depended on circumstances and target as to whether I used the ball of the foot, the edge, the heel or the arch to strike with. It has to be said that I've never used a roundhouse in a 'real' fight.

The one kick I have used there is a downwards front/side-kick (not sure in retrospect which it was (I think front-kick) but I struck with the heel) to the knee - I was wearing 'Cuban' heeled cowboy boots at the time and was horrified by the damage I did.
Many questions devolve from this simple one, IS.

I'd suggest before enquiring further that you do a little searching of the site on the subject of which part of the foot should be used for striking.

For me, it all depended on circumstances and target as to whether I used the ball of the foot, the edge, the heel or the arch to strike with. It has to be said that I've never used a roundhouse in a 'real' fight.

The one kick I have used there is a downwards front/side-kick (not sure in retrospect which it was (I think front-kick) but I struck with the heel) to the knee - I was wearing 'Cuban' heeled cowboy boots at the time and was horrified by the damage I did.

I can't help but chuckle....


It depends on the target and circumstance if you hit with the instep or the ball of your food. I usually hit the heavy bag with the instep, if I were to break a board with a round kick, it would be with the ball of my foot.

So if hitting with the instep hurts your foot, try the ball of your foot.
How hard are you hitting the bag?
If you are blasting away at it, it may just be that your foot isn't conditioned yet to handle that. Go a little easier for awhile and work your way up.
Conditioning is a big part of training and if you are not well then. The only one that can really help would be your instructor so they can tell you what you are doing wrong while kicking.
I have broken boards with my instep. Yet usually for hard strikes I do switch to the ball of foot.
For the bag I make a small adjustment. I hit with the top of my foot but more in the cradle where my toes start. Not up on the high ridge but right where they start. This really helps me.

Dave O.
I can't pull my toes back far enough to kick with the ball of my foot without doing some re-postioning. Also, if in a fight it would be difficult to pull back with shoes/ boots/ even sneakers.

Lighten up on how hard you're hitting the bag/ target. Over the next 6 months gradually starting hitting harder and harder. That's the way I started and I've broken boards with the instep no problems.

You mentioned about using a different part of your leg - I had one instructor how told us to use the lower part of the shin, just above the ankle instead of the instep. He explained that there is less of a chance to lose power using the shin vs the instep as your ankle COULD rotate slightly upon impact, dampening the energy behind the kick.
I had exactly the same problem and I am going to repeat what someone has already said, back off a bit for a while. You are probably like me and have lots of power but your foot is not yet accustomed to being used as a baseball bat. Back off the power for a while, your foot will get used to it eventually but it may take a few months. Take a look at where your foot hits the bag and see if you can adjust the kick a little bit. maybe slightly closer to the toes would help? Or maybe slightly closer to the shin? My toes used to hurt after doing a few front kicks so I adjusted the kick slightly, moved closer in, and now they don't hurt any more.
I agree with those who said conditioning is the key. I have the same problem (with the bone on my instep). It hurt like heck when I first start throwing roundhouses into a heavy bag. After a few months, it wasn't an issue anymore.
I don't know too much about different types of bags. I know hitting something like a wavemaster is alot easier to hit becuase it has more padding. On the other hand something like a heavy bag is alot harder to hit. If it is a heavy bag I wouldn't start hitting it that hard at first. Work up gradually. Once the foot gets more conditioned you can strike it harder.

But since you are already feeling pain I would hit it less hard for a while until your foot heals. After that I would hit it hard again like you were. It should of healed back stronger. If you don't really care about conditioning then take it easy. Don't do anything that hurts but if you want to condition your feet you are going to deal with either the setback of an injury or the little pain that comes along when you conditioning you feet.

I don't know if you hurt your foot but if you think you did I would see a doctor.
I think the combination of a softer bag and conditioning are smart. Build up then go at it. My smart aleck remark was because I realized Rabbit was smart in first asking about what you are hitting.

You can lay on a mat and strike your foot down maybe ten times or so. You will notice how effective that is right away.


Dave O.
We didn't get to have heavy bags in college where I taught TKD classes, and so when I would come home on breaks my feet wouldn't be conditioned to hitting the bags. Doing flutter kicks and fast roundhouse kicks, etc (more for cardio than power) would kill my feet and I would end up with big strawberries on the top. Everyone started referring to them as my stigmata! :D
We didn't get to have heavy bags in college where I taught TKD classes, and so when I would come home on breaks my feet wouldn't be conditioned to hitting the bags. Doing flutter kicks and fast roundhouse kicks, etc (more for cardio than power) would kill my feet and I would end up with big strawberries on the top. Everyone started referring to them as my stigmata! :D

I've heard that for some TKD can be a spiritual experience, but I've never it go in THAT direction.:D

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