Ronin brand uniforms

I've heard good things about them, but I prefer a 100% cotton gi.
I have no experience with that particular model, but many uniform brands now feature a new poly blend fabric in their kumite gi lines. This stuff is light years better than the typical 7 oz fabric used in the cheap beginner uniforms.

I have a Shureido NW-3 that feels like a 12 oz uniform when worn, but looks like a 16 oz uniform. It dries very quickly also since it is not 100% cotton, and this thing is the loudest uniform I've ever worn. Very easy to make those popping noises that tournament judges seem to like in kata competitions.

Don't rule out poly blend uniforms when you're talking about the higher range. Sometimes you CAN improve on a mouse trap.
I bought their 16oz cotton uniform about 7-8 years ago for competition andit has held up quite well. I onlyuse it for forms competition, but it is still in 100% condition.

I will give you warning, they are stiff and quite heavy. Fabric softener will have little effect on the material.

Overall they are a pretty good buy.
I went ahead and ordered one, it should be here next week.

My original uniform was a generic 12oz. HvyWt that had a traditional drawstring waist that was always slipping down.

The next uniform was a generic $30 LghtWt that at first was great fitting, but has now shrunk to the point of being restrictive.

Thanx for all the replies so far.
Excellent uniform with good fit and generous leg room for kicking.
After 1 wearing of my new uniform, it landed in the wash with a new blue blanket.


So when I went downstairs to put the dryer load in the washer,....I noticed fist-sized blue blotches all over the pants and jersey.

I immediately put it into the washer on a HOT WASH & HOT RINSE CYCLE with a full cup of Oxy-Clean, and a SOAK CYCLE.

All the blue spots came out and the uniform did not shrink. The embroidery on the patches is unharmed.

Love the uniform.
Love the Oxy-Clean.
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