Rocky a Ripoff?



Wepner sues Stallone for piece of 'Rocky'

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By Wayne Parry

Nov. 12, 2003 | NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Former heavyweight boxer Chuck Wepner is suing actor Sylvester Stallone for a share of the profits from the "Rocky" movies, claiming the series was based on Wepner's career.

Wepner, who went nearly 15 punishing rounds in a 1975 loss to Muhammad Ali, claims in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in Superior Court in Jersey City that

Stallone repeatedly credits that fight as the inspiration for the film.

"Stallone has been using Chuck's name -- and continues to this day -- in promoting the 'Rocky' franchise without any permission or compensation," said Wepner's attorney, Anthony Mango.

The film won the 1976 Academy Award for best picture.

Mango estimates the five "Rocky" films and associated products have brought in over $1 billion. Wepner is entitled to part of that, the attorney said.

"It's one thing to base a movie on someone, which you can do," Mango said. "It's another to continually harp on the name for selling and promoting without any permission or compensation, which you can't do."

Stallone's publicist, Michelle Vega, declined comment on the suit.

The lawsuit claims Stallone made several promises to Wepner that he would be financially compensated over the years, but no payments were made, Mango said.

Wepner was a New Jersey club fighter who had a string of victories and eventually caught the eye of boxing promoter Don King. Wepner earned the nickname "The Bayonne Bleeder" for the punishment he received, even while winning.

After knocking out Terry Henke in the 11th round of a 1974 fight in Salt Lake City, King offered Wepner a title shot against heavyweight champion George Foreman.

When Ali defeated Foreman, Wepner got the bout with Ali. Wepner and Ali fought on March 24, 1975. Wepner knocked Ali down in the ninth round, but Ali eventually scored a 15th-round technical knockout of

Wepner with 19 seconds remaining in the fight.

Wepner now lives in Bayonne, and works as a liquor salesman.
I had heard that story a few years back as well -- it seems it comes up every time it looks like they're making a new flick.
Sportscenter is running this story as I type this. They only spent about 10 seconds talking about it, but it was mentioned, and Mr. Wepner's name did come up.
You would think they would just let this issue die. It's been so long ago when "Rocky" shone in its heyday.

- Ceicei
If the web link ever gets fixed, Dan Patrick is supposed to interview Wepner today.

From the lead in stuff I heard Stallone has never denied he based Rocky on Wepner. Sounds like Wepner has come to the conclusion that the check isn't in the mail and has hired a lawyer.

Odd. Wish I could get the stupid espn radio link up and working.
Originally posted by Spud
Odd. Wish I could get the stupid espn radio link up and working.

I've never managed to get it to work, after trying every day for a few weeks. It may very well be a configuration issue, or something at their end. If you do get it to work, let me know.

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