Robbed at Gunpoint, Some Bronx Victims Resist

But we have to use weapon whenever actually required but only to protect ourself and others and avoid the misusage of it because it's a serious crime so handle with care.
True...but many smart people get killed by people with weapons.

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But where they "thinking" or just "reacting" at the time? Being smart doesn't indicate that you have common sense.
The whole "your mind is the greatest weapon" has become a platitude. Its true but many people misunderstand it. My mind tells me that if I have to place myself or my loved ones into a situation that increases our risk I should bring a weapon.

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The whole "your mind is the greatest weapon" has become a platitude. Its true but many people misunderstand it. My mind tells me that if I have to place myself or my loved ones into a situation that increases our risk I should bring a weapon.

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A meaningless, banal, triviality? That is what you consider it? You are correct that most people just pay it lip service but that doesn't cause it to be any less applicable. I find it to more of an elucidation than a platitude. People just don't seem to be able to think anymore but....YMMV.
The whole "your mind is the greatest weapon" has become a platitude. Its true but many people misunderstand it. My mind tells me that if I have to place myself or my loved ones into a situation that increases our risk I should bring a weapon.

Sent from my SCH-I405 using Tapatalk 2

I agree with your point that our mind is thebiggest weapon because this is our mind who tell us to use weapon but if wehave good control on our mind no one force us to use it.
Hmmm, depends on "where" this took place in the Bronx. Anywhere but Riverdale I would wager that the person being mugged was going to be shot anyway and the only reason they were not shot yet was b/c they didn't hand over their money. They know it. The attackers know it. No real choice.

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