RIP Otto Warmbier


Senior Master
Aug 14, 2013
Reaction score
Otto Warmbier, the young man who had been held by North Korean authorities for over a year has just died in Cincinnati, OH after being in a coma which was the condition he was in when he was released by North Korea. He got in trouble when he supposedly stole a propaganda sign in a North Korean hotel and he was convicted of hostile acts against the country. While you shouldn't steal stuff, especially not anything with a name or image of a North Korean leader while in that country he should not have died for that. People do dumb things but this is truly tragic how this has turned out.
Our government has advice online about different countries, the warning about North Korea is quite plain. I assume similar advice is available to Americans. The bit about local customs and laws is quite stark. Korea, DPR (North Korea) travel advice - GOV.UK
You are correct, @Tez, we have always been advised as well.

North Korea Travel Warning

And as evident by the recent tragic event.....what could possibly go wrong?
I certainly wont go to North Korea but people make dumb mistakes. Its truly sad that it had to result in this.
I certainly wont go to North Korea but people make dumb mistakes. Its truly sad that it had to result in this.

This isn't the place to post a memorial to him. If you look at the print at the top of the section is says "A place to post memories of, and tributes to departed practitioners of the arts, and other fallen warriors"
I find it hard to sympathise, largely because he thought going to North Korea would be a good idea in the first place.
North Korea is a tough place to find out that your white, privileged, frat boy status is not universally recognized.