RIP GM Ben Luna Lema


Green Belt
Founding Member
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Was saddened to read on the Eskrima Digest of the recent passing of GM Ben Lema, founder of the Lightning Scientific Arnis system.
Another "great one" is gone. :(
My condolences to the LSAI family.

Respects to the family and students.
And a reminder, once again, that the older generation is fast leaving us. If there is someone you want to train with, even once, make the comittment to yourself and go; the old masters are a vanishing treasure.
Excuse the rant mixed in.
Originally posted by tokwa
Hi arnisador,

Sorry, no successors, yet.
If there were to be any successor to Lightning Scientific Arnis, it should be one of his sons, since it is a family art.

Mang Ben had been teaching Lightning as early as 1936. There are a lot of his personal students who came from all walks of life.

Many of them, aside from Elmer Ybanez, have the same highest rank like him, and are tuned in for the latest LSAI update from the GM himself before he died. Mang Ben had worked hard to visit each of his old and trusted students just to give them his latest additions to the LSAI curriculum.

For a fact, Mang Ben promoted most of his trusted students to the highest level, a year before his passing.

These LSAI instructors are quietly spreading the art in its purest form, without even bragging their ranks. They would rather fight and show their worth than even mention their certification.



Thank You for this feedback and information. Please keep us posted.

My Condolences go out to the Family and Practitioners of LSAI.
:( :asian:

Highest Regards
I believe Mang Ben passed away sometime around early this year. About January. I was actually planning to go and visit him.When I made my plans it was too late. I went home in March and I did not even meet him.

Mang Ben was considered one of the best fighters in the FMA. This was acknowledged by my teacher GM Ernesto Presas. He was strict and made sure all his students can fight. A real big loss for us. He was the one who never got exposed in the world of FMA too much. But he was respected even by the late Antonio Ilustrisimo.
Originally posted by LAKANPOPOT
I believe Mang Ben passed away sometime around early this year. About January. I was actually planning to go and visit him.When I made my plans it was too late. I went home in March and I did not even meet him.

I'm sorry you weren't able to see him. A lot of them were shocked themselves when they just saw the Rapid Journal Magazine (A local martial arts periodical) flashing the picture of the GM. They just knew then that the master had died 6 months ago. This shocking news doesn't limit to outsiders but to even his former students as well.

Further details about LSAI would be announced soon.
I actually saw the bad news in the Sangkil Karasak(I hope I spelled it right). Which is one of the more active websites about Mang Ben's art. I was looking for someone to contact for my plans. I used to talk to Mang Ben all the time. Because my teacher was a student of his. He was a very quiet man. But put sticks in his hands and it was amazing. You can see how fraile he was in the mentioned website with pictures of him sitting with his students. It was not the Mang Ben I knew. I was surprised. I wish the LSAI group the best.