Returning to Class......Slowly


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
Hello all,

I am cleared for some stuff. However, no foot work yet. It is still too touch and go and the ability to undo what was accomplished during the surgery is still too prevelant.

However, I can still do upper body stuff, (I.E. 80 % of the hapkido I am expected to do, plus the basic tae kwon do striking.)

Moderation is the key, however I should be able to be at poomsae competition capability by our May tournament.
Matt I'm glad you are able to get back to a light workout and remember light is the optimal word here, so take it easy and you will be better than before.
Great news Matt!

Take you time and don't make yourself worse!

Hello all,

I am cleared for some stuff. However, no foot work yet. It is still too touch and go and the ability to undo what was accomplished during the surgery is still too prevelant.

However, I can still do upper body stuff, (I.E. 80 % of the hapkido I am expected to do, plus the basic tae kwon do striking.)

Moderation is the key, however I should be able to be at poomsae competition capability by our May tournament.

That's excellent news, Matt! See- it didn't really take that long, now did it? Just don't forget to still watch out for that knee, though.
This is great to hear, Matt. Clearly the MDs think you're making good steady progress. Soon your recovery will kick up to the next level and you'll be cleared for more leg and foot work. Slow and steady... but you know that!
I'm glad you can return to class! Take it slow, Marine. There's no reason to do it all tomorrow.

We're in your corner, here.:ultracool
Hey, Matt! Right on, you're back!!

This is a good opportunity for you to find ways to make alterations to your style and techniques so they can work for someone who is either permanently or temporarily compromised physically - you know, like you. :ultracool

Be careful on the open chain stuff and standed twisting.

A long, careful rehab will benefit you more than a fast strong one.
Suggestion, work the spear alot, you never know when you might need it. :ultracool . Da dum, da dum , da dummmmmmmmm................
That's great that you're back - just remember, make haste slowly!
Fantastic Matt, take care of that knee and no matter how tempting, don't push it yea?

I bet you feel tons better now you can do something!

I have modified absolutely everything......for left leg it is round, and side on the ground. More range of motion slow technique than anything else.

99% of all that I do is sit and watch. However when I am doing something it is reps upon reps upon reps of hapkido cane.

I can do a little front leg with the right but minimal, minimal, minimal. It is getting better. But sincerely, it is all about the physical therapy and range of motion which I go to twice a week outside of class.
Glad to see your situation improving steadily there Matt. Keep up the cautious pace and the skys the limit!
Glad it's going so well Matt, slow and steady, don't push it too much.