Retired Navy Captain Opens Fire in Holocaust Museum with Rifle

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score

WASHINGTON - An elderly gunman opened fire with a rifle inside the crowded U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, gravely wounding a security guard before being shot. Authorities said they were investigating a white supremacist, retired Navy Captain James Von Brunn, as the possible shooter.
The assailant was in critical condition, said Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty.


One law enforcement official said James Von Brunn, a white supremacist, was under investigation in the shooting, and a second official said the elderly man's car was found near the museum and tested for explosives. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss the investigation.
Disgusting. Double period.

The U.S. National Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. is one of the finest museums I have ever had the pleasure of touring. I cried for three solid hours in that museum. What this man did is disgusting. I would love for such hatred to disappear in our nation. That may be too hopeful. I think not, though.
"The fact that the Holocaust Museum has several armed guards tells you why we need a Holocaust Museum."
- James Lileks
The guard has sadly since died. RIP

Too many people still believe the Shoah never happened and too many people are still committing genocide.
How does a white supremacist make it to O-6?!?
With crappy reporting. He was an O-3... Captain of a PT Boat. Not, repeat NOT Captain in rank.
He has been a loon for decades, this was just the finale.
NBC New York has more.
Including : He left the Navy in 56, no one goes from Seaman Apprentice to CAPT in 14 years, nor, does one retire in 14 years...
He was commissioned as a naval officer decades ago, and discharged from the Navy in 1956. A cousin, Virginia Gerker of St. Louis, said in an interview she hadn't seen him in 50 years. She said her family had "disowned" him believed him to be mentally ill.
Thanks Don; I did wonder how someone with the seniority and where-withal to be elevated to Captain could become unhinged like that (I just supposed that it can happen to any of us).
Thanks Don; I did wonder how someone with the seniority and where-withal to be elevated to Captain could become unhinged like that (I just supposed that it can happen to any of us).
Not a problem. should have damn well known better. >:
did wonder how someone with the seniority and where-withal to be elevated to Captain could become unhinged like that (I just supposed that it can happen to any of us).

Sukerkin, while it's true that any of us could become unhinged, from what I'm hearing on the radio, this guy apparently was a LONGTIME neo-nazi, not necessarily a regular guy who just snapped.
How does a white supremacist make it to O-6?!?

As Don said: media idiocy/sensationalism.

It doesn't help that while US officer rank INSIGNIA stays the same for all brances, rank TITLES don't.


O-1 Second Lieutenant (Gold "butter bar")
O-2 First Lieutenant (Silver Bar)
O-3 Captain (2 joined silver bars( "Railroad tracks")
O-4 Major (Gold Oak Leaf)
O-5 Lieutenant Colonel (Silver Oak Leaf)
O-6 Colonel (Silver Eagle( the "full bird")
O-7 Brigadier General (Silver Star)
O-8 Major General( 2 Silver Stars)
O-9 Lieutenant General (3 Silver Stars)
O-10 General (4 Silver Stars)

Navy/Coast Guard uses the same insignia but different titles, and so you can see below the difference in meaning of "Captain" between the branches

Navy/Coast Guard:

O-1 Ensign (Gold "butter bar")
O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade(Silver Bar)
O-3 Lieutenant (2 joined silver bars( "Railroad tracks")
O-4 Lieutenant Commander (Gold Oak Leaf)
O-5 Commander (Silver Oak Leaf)
O-6 Captain (Silver Eagle( the "full bird")
O-7 Rear Admiral Lower Half (Silver Star)
O-8 Rear Admiral Upper Half ( 2 Silver Stars)
O-9 Vice Admiral (3 Silver Stars)
O-10 Admiral (4 Silver Stars)

Big difference.
As Don said: media idiocy/sensationalism.

It doesn't help that while US officer rank INSIGNIA stays the same for all brances, rank TITLES don't.


O-1 Second Lieutenant (Gold "butter bar")
O-2 First Lieutenant (Silver Bar)
O-3 Captain (2 joined silver bars( "Railroad tracks")
O-4 Major (Gold Oak Leaf)
O-5 Lieutenant Colonel (Silver Oak Leaf)
O-6 Colonel (Silver Eagle( the "full bird")
O-7 Brigadier General (Silver Star)
O-8 Major General( 2 Silver Stars)
O-9 Lieutenant General (3 Silver Stars)
O-10 General (4 Silver Stars)

Navy/Coast Guard uses the same insignia but different titles, and so you can see below the difference in meaning of "Captain" between the branches

Navy/Coast Guard:

O-1 Ensign (Gold "butter bar")
O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade(Silver Bar)
O-3 Lieutenant (2 joined silver bars( "Railroad tracks")
O-4 Lieutenant Commander (Gold Oak Leaf)
O-5 Commander (Silver Oak Leaf)
O-6 Captain (Silver Eagle( the "full bird")
O-7 Rear Admiral Lower Half (Silver Star)
CORRECTION: Rear Admiral's Lower Half wear TWO Silver Stars, causing consternation when erroneously saluted by Brigadier Generals... Why? Because the Navy is (and so are sailors) Weird.
O-8 Rear Admiral Upper Half ( 2 Silver Stars)
O-9 Vice Admiral (3 Silver Stars)
O-10 Admiral (4 Silver Stars)

Big difference.
I only use the "full bird" in traffic...
2 The title "Captain" is given to commanders of ships/boats/submarines regardless of rank. (More of that sailor weirdness...)
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CORRECTION: Rear Admiral's Lower Half wear TWO Silver Stars, causing consternation when erroneously saluted by Brigadier Generals... Why? Because the Navy is (and so are sailors) Weird.1
I only use the "full bird" in traffic...
2 The title "Captain" is given to commanders of ships/boats/submarines regardless of rank. (More of that sailor weirdness...)

Well heck, if that's enough to confuse a regular person, or even one such as I who had to be familiar with rank to some degree, then it's really no surprise the media cocked it up, now is it.

In either case, his actions were deplorable and he needs to be punished to the full extent of the law.

Sukerkin, while it's true that any of us could become unhinged, from what I'm hearing on the radio, this guy apparently was a LONGTIME neo-nazi, not necessarily a regular guy who just snapped.

Yup. Found an article somewhere that says his support for skinheads and the like go back 30 years.

He also did several years in jail in the 1980s for kidnapping members of the Federal Reserve, and its been reported that he was also eyeing the Weekly Standard magazine as a target.

The guy is a whackjob.
God bless the heroic guards that responded to this attack. No greater love has a man than to lay down his life for the protection of others. My prayers to the deceased guards family and to the guard and their family that fired the shots that ended the attack.

Brian King
I just found out that there were a few hundred middle school children from Boston, Danvers, and Swampscott, Mass. in the museum at the time of the shooting. They were all in Washington on a field trip. The kids were scared, but OK.

Please join me in wishing good thoughts for the children and their families, and hoping they have a safe journey home.
Another pathetic sap ate up with hate and taking it out on the world. I wish they'd either get help or eat a bullet instead of pulling garbage like this.

That guard had an 11 year old son and was reportedly a "gentle giant" who was trying to be nice by opening a door for an old man. Look what it got him.