

Master Black Belt
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Council Bluffs, IA
I'm just wondering if anyone knows about any hardcore scientific research that's been done or is being done in the U.S. or China regarding the existence and/or nature of chi.
I'm not sure the Chinese need to see empiric proof of chi's existance. Whether they'd do any research into it though, is a fascinating prospect. What would they find? How would they define it? How could it be proven/disproven? Would it matter to many if they did either? I feel it would be more important to western academic circles who seek "scientific" evidence to everything before believing something. Fair enough, but it does also tend to take the "if it ain't proven/disproven with western science it ain't worth squat" attitude. Look at TCM and how it was viewed by many here. Great post though.
Well, I know that in the 70's and 80's (and maybe the 90's) they were doing scientific research on the subject - then in recent years they seem to have dropped all research for some odd reason...

I do know that they detected a mild EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) being generated in the hands of chigong "masters" when they emitted energy- interesting stuff but I don't know if this research was finally dumped by the communist government or if it's being continued somewhere - or if another nation is working on it...

Just an interesting subject to bring up.
Out of Beijing; As far as external Qi goes, no. As far as they are concerned it exists and is easy to prove or disprove anyone claiming to have it. Hit them with a big heavy object or a small sharp object and if there is no damage they got it. If there is damage... well... they don't.

Internal Qi is a different story; There is a professor at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine that is trying to develop something that can sense internal Qi. And although he believes internal QI exists, he also believes that the majority of people that claim to have it are lying.

Qi Gong is taught at Beijing University of TCM and there are documented cases of Qigong related disorders that inexperienced people have ended up with when they tried to self train or over train Qigong.
In "the debate on the existence of chi" thread there are more then a few links to online versions of some research papers on the matter. I wouldn't read the thread it self though. The guy that started it seemed to be trolling.

i pasted this link in more than one place where people asked the same question.
look for the research papers and things like that. the reseracher is chinese, studied in UC Los Angeles, and done his research in UC Irvine (calif)
Contact this person, he's very welcoming