Research on Martial Arts- Please Help


White Belt

I am currently a junior Health, Exercise and Sport Studies major at Denison University in Ohio. I am doing research with my advisor on how the practice of martial arts (various disciplines) is correlated to levels of conflict resolution (both internal and external) as well as emotional perception. In order to do this, I need people to fill out a short survey. We currently have about 34 data points, but are looking to hit 100. I was wondering if anyone on this forum would be interested in filling out a survey for research purposes that would eventually enhance the scientific literature available about the impact the martial arts practice on various psychological traits. If Interested, please email me at I have also attached a copy of the survey that needs to be filled out.

Thank you!!


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I am currently a junior Health, Exercise and Sport Studies major at Denison University in Ohio. I am doing research with my advisor on how the practice of martial arts (various disciplines) is correlated to levels of conflict resolution (both internal and external) as well as emotional perception. In order to do this, I need people to fill out a short survey. We currently have about 34 data points, but are looking to hit 100. I was wondering if anyone on this forum would be interested in filling out a survey for research purposes that would eventually enhance the scientific literature available about the impact the martial arts practice on various psychological traits. If Interested, please email me at I have also attached a copy of the survey that needs to be filled out.

Thank you!!
sounds intresting, Il send you an email, can you feed back as those are points that get discussed a lot
Thanks so much! One thing that is brought up a lot is that these traits are often traits that martial arts is said to be able to develop in individuals. However, no concrete research has been done that can show a definitive correlation between these traits and the practice of martial arts. My goal is to take what a lot of martial artists view as traits central to their identity of martial artists and put some numbers behind it to show how these differ from the general population, as well as how these change over time as one practices martial arts for longer.
I feel that if you seriously wish for solid research, you need to add a few qualifiers to your survey.

First and foremost is something specifying length of time practicing the primary art. The responses from someone that has been practicing a week will be much different than someone in their third decade. Not allowing and weighting for this will tend to unrealistically skew your data away from your stated goal.

Second, your choices of martial art will necessarily limit your responses and participation. You need to add "traditional Asian martial arts" as a choice as there are a large number of classical Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese martial arts that don't fall in your limited number of choices.

Just a couple of thoughts for you.
You are correct, and thanks for the feedback. I just realized I had attached a previous version of the instrumentation. The current version, which we have used for all data so far does include years practicing and i have updated the attached file to reflect that I will add more martial arts and possibly an option to self-specify in the future. Any additional feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You are correct, and thanks for the feedback. I just realized I had attached a previous version of the instrumentation. The current version, which we have used for all data so far does include years practicing and i have updated the attached file to reflect that I will add more martial arts and possibly an option to self-specify in the future. Any additional feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I'm curious. Do you have any methods to control for other factors which may be related to the attributes? For example, there tends to be a correlation between "years practicing martial arts" and "years old." There's been a lot of research substantiating that as people age, their general aggression levels decline, which might feed in to how important non-violent conflict resolution is.

Obviously, there are a ton of other relationships and correlations to control against.

Peace favor your sword,

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