Hello! I'm a complete newbie to martial arts and very glad I found this site/forum.
I'm looking into a Soo Bahk Do school, and am trying to understand why it is that a requirement of belt testing at this school is membership in the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation. (It isn't that they're just out to make a huge profit, because the tuition is extremely reasonable and everything's quite fair. It also isn't that membership itself is unreasonably priced, as a family membership for a year is something under $200, and even that on top of tuition and the $30 belt testing is still fine.)
I just didn't think that to take any kind of martial arts lessons -- in any of the arts, karate, kung fu, TKD, etc. -- would necessitate being a member of that particular martial art's main organization/federation.
I've taken a lot of lessons in other areas throughout my life (piano, sewing, ice skating, etc.) yet never had to also join any organization in order to do so.
I'm sure this is a complete newbie and ignorant question, but I felt surely someone here would have an inkling. Thanks!
I'm looking into a Soo Bahk Do school, and am trying to understand why it is that a requirement of belt testing at this school is membership in the U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation. (It isn't that they're just out to make a huge profit, because the tuition is extremely reasonable and everything's quite fair. It also isn't that membership itself is unreasonably priced, as a family membership for a year is something under $200, and even that on top of tuition and the $30 belt testing is still fine.)
I just didn't think that to take any kind of martial arts lessons -- in any of the arts, karate, kung fu, TKD, etc. -- would necessitate being a member of that particular martial art's main organization/federation.
I've taken a lot of lessons in other areas throughout my life (piano, sewing, ice skating, etc.) yet never had to also join any organization in order to do so.
I'm sure this is a complete newbie and ignorant question, but I felt surely someone here would have an inkling. Thanks!