Repub period advertisements?


OK, I'm finishing up my Sandow & Lewis' "Wrestling" and am starting a Shaw's "Teacher of Sparring." It has ~63 pages of actual content and then an additional 18 pages of period advertising. Now, in many of the books I've republished, I've included the period advertising but this represents over 20% of the manual in period advertising.

I have left them in in the past for historical accuracy and interest but now I'm beginning to question if it is desired. And the Police Gazette boxing manuals I have are even worse in that the advertising is in the front of the book.

So, just sort of an informal poll here, what's your preference, include the period advertisements (everything from firearms through "dog jewelry") or leave them out?

Peace favor your sword,
I dunno. I can see the old ads adding a flavor to the piece, but it is an ad. So, I'm not sure.
I dunno. I can see the old ads adding a flavor to the piece, but it is an ad. So, I'm not sure.
Well, it's not as if you're actually going to be able to buy anything from the ad. This book, in particular, was published 1886.

OTH, I kinda enjoy seeing what the ads were for. In the case of the Fox's manuals (such as "Wrestling" by Gotch) I've republished, the adverts were for for other Fox's books and put me on the track to finding some other specific titles.

I'm obviously conflicted. :)

Peace favor your sword,
I like seeing the old adds. They show what was happening at that time period and what money was being charged.
Kinda my thinking. You can't buy what it's pushing, and it's an ad, but, it keeps the historical feeling and flavor, and might be of interest to some.

I'd vote to keep em. :)
It keeps the flavor and "integrity" of the text. And, as you noted, some of them point you towards other sources... I'd say keep 'em. Of course, if it's a bandwidth question or the like... dump 'em for the meat!
Personally I think old ads are the coolest thing ever. Gives me a chance to look at that time period and understand a bit more about what was going on as some others have mentioned, since I wasn't around then myself obviously. But yeah if it actually interferes with the content then I'd dump it.
Well, I asked the question here and a few other places and a consensus is beginning to form. Most people like the ads. We'll let this run a bit longer. I've only just started cropping out the pics (nice drawings, clear scans, very little touch-up required), so I've got time before I need to make the decision.

Peace favor your sword,
I like the old ads as well. But if you can, move the ads from the front of the Police Gazette manuals to the back (maybe with a note that in the original publication they were in the front?).

Well, it seemed like most everyone wanted the ads so they stayed in. Even post-(re)publication I've had a lot of positive feedback about them. People really seem to like the period ads. Gives them a "feel" for the time period I guess.

I know I like them. But I also like the "feel" for the time period that looking at what the participants are wearing gives me, or looking at the differences in grammar and sentence construction provides.

Peace favor your sword,

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